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(`・ω・') warning- cussing & violence

・Y/N's pov

"So..." I acted interested, "What's with that cool scalpel injection thing you got there?"

Tanjiro looked at me for a second and replied, "It's for a particular vaccine for someone that is in the middle of research. Apparently, the person who is helping me create this vaccine needs some blood samples of the Twelve Kizuki."

"That's pretty cool! Doing something so dangerous must mean that this vaccine is for someone important!"

"Yes," Tanjiro softly smiled, "It's for someone incredibly important to me."

'Agh that has to be the cutest thing ever! Who wouldn't acknowledge that Nezuko is the most important being on the planet of Earth?!'

"Kiyoshi!" Tanjiro called, along with me by his side calling for Teruko's name. We ran along the hallways trying to find the two children of the house and stumbled upon a door, Tanjiro harshly opened it and was met with a series of furniture and materials thrown onto him. He miraculously dodged all of them, except the last one which was a blue hard cover book.

"Ouch," I cringed slightly at the sight, "Thank god I was behind."

The children finally realized who it was and repeatedly apologized while Tanjiro waved it off saying it was fine, I mean I do remember his head being as hard as rock.

"You two are safe, we defeated the demon." I smiled at them kindly.

Teruko stared at me and her eyes water, soon it turned into bottles of tears flowing out her eyes. Tanjiro walked to them and gently patted her head, "You did a great job out there, you too Kiyoshi. Come on we should get outside, Kiyoshi hop on my back and Y/N you take Teruko's."

I nodded at him and carried Teruko behind my back as we walked through the hallway to find our way back.

'This is a long hallway, I forgot how they escaped. This feels like a maze. I hate mazes.'

・Timeskip ~6 minutes

"What's the matter Tanjiro?" Kiyoshi hesitantly asked, "Is there something wrong?"

I looked back at Tanjiro and saw him stopping at his tracks, I followed him at the same lead and stopped, wondering why he was staying back behind.

"N- Nothing, we should get going now." Tanjiro assured.

We both ran towards the exit with the children behind our backs and the sight we saw was... a bit much. Inosuke was kicking Zenitsu who was already wounded with bruises and bumps. From scene I was looking at, I predicted that Zenitsu was protecting the box Nezuko was in and that Inosuke might've known that there was a demon in there.

"Hey you pig bastard!" I screamed, "What the hell do you think you are doing with my brother you piece of shit?"

I put Teruko down and punched Inosuke's mask, making him fall.

'This has to be deja vu.'

"Hah?!" Inosuke picked himself up, "You're that old hag! How dare you punch me again? Fight me with your sword!"

"Don't mind if I do! Only I can beat up my brother no one else!"

"Oh you are on!"

Tanjiro ran towards Inosuke and punch his stomach, only that it was much more harder than mine as he felt much more anger than I did. Inosuke felt the pressure up from his whole body that it led to him falling all the way to the tree behind him.

𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚・k. tanjiroWhere stories live. Discover now