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reread some chapters of demon slayer to get refresh and just realized i killed off gramps a bit too early so haha :D


(`・ω・') warning- cursing and violence

・2nd pov

The two of you agreed to split up, even though it took a bit of persuading in your part. Tanjiro, being the boy he is, was hesitant in splitting up, so you had to add another ounce of begging and a bold kiss on the lips for you to set off without him.

Oh, you also warned him about the chances that him and the others will go against two demons as he took you words with a grain of salt.

So here you were, running through the roofs of the houses as you kept on ringing your head, remembering and remembering any important details— at this point, just anything.

You weren't gifted with any heightened senses like the rest of the group, nor were you even talented. You didn't have given strength nor flexibility, anything and everything you worked to achieve came from the bones to muscle.

You were proud of that, of course, but it was times like these where you wished you had a good sense of hearing like your brother or maybe a good sense of sight like Kanao.

So all you could do was depend on your memories, so remember.

Remember, remember.


Remember, you chanted, remember, remember, remember.

Why couldn't you remember!?

Any details, any important facts! Anything that could help benefit this fight, you needed to remember! You refused to be the dead weight of the group, but that meant you had to remember anything that could help you against the demons...

...What were their names again?

D.... yu...



You halted.

One of the demons, his name was Gyutaro...! If you remembered correctly, he was the one who mostly carried the work— he was able to manipulate his sister and make precise decisions, the main reason why he was able to hold...

Upper Moon Six, with his sister Daki.

Averting your attention to the night sky, you observed your surroundings around the area. You had absolutely no idea where the man resided in during the fight, though you did recall him joining when his sister's head was sliced off.

[a/n- originally, gyutaro emerged from daki since they are one, but for plot purposes that isnt gonna happen]

You just didn't know by who, when, and where.

But for now, you had to focus on where he could be. Because maybe, just maybe, if you were going to have the chance to go up against him before he heads to his sister, you could hold him back.

Did you have your doubts? Of course you did.

But you had to think on the positive side.

𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚・k. tanjiroWhere stories live. Discover now