27・flower district

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(`・ω・') warning- cursing

・2nd pov

The Yoshiwara Red Light District, or Night District, is where the lust and charms of men and women swirl in a storm of love and hate. The Red Light District is also known as the Flower District because, as the name implies, this part of the city is shaped like a flower.

The prostitutes living there were either living in poverty or sold out due to loans, meaning they all bared a lot of hardships in the process. But in exchange, they are guaranteed the necessities of life.

If they can make their way up as prostitutes, they could potentially become part of a wealthy household by getting bought out.

The most prominent among them are known as oirans, who are completely different altogether. They're special women who have acquired almost everything, featuring: beauty, education, and performance.

You simply can't meet a high-ranking oiran though. To make an audience with them, men have to frequently visit the Red Light District. I guess you can compare it to a petty competition between men.


"What the fuck."

But why on earth did you trust Uzui to do our makeup for such an important assignment!?

"Huh?" Uzui dumbly spoke out, "What's with your attitude?"

You scowled at the older man in front of you, "Are you blind? Are you dumb? Look at us."

You gestured towards the trio— who were sitting there gobbling up their food, completely ignoring our argument— and yourself, face smeared with a disgustingly amount of makeup without any structure nor taste.

In short, an ugly mess.

Though you couldn't see yourself properly in the mirror, you could already tell that the eyeliner was crooked, lips over lined a bit too exaggeratedly, and your face dusted with a pound of vibrant blush.

Was he trying to make us look like a clown from a street circus? You didn't know, but all you knew right then and there was the fact you wished to throttle the man to oblivion if it wasn't for the major differences in strength level.

He's damn lucky to be a hashira.

You heaved a sigh, "Redo our makeup."

"What? No."


"Because I took time and effort on everyone's makeup!" Uzui sulked, "You should be thankful that I'm even flamboyantly putting makeup on you!"

"Hah? Why should I be thankful if we look like this!?" You motioned your hand towards your face— your damn, ugly ass battered cakey face.

The older man shrugged, "I don't see the big deal, I think I did a good job to make you guys look plain."

The audacity of this man.

"But we don't even look plain!" You threw your hands in the air, "We look hideous! Plus, we need to at least have some charm to get sold in one of these houses!" 

"Mmm, that's a bit of a stretch there young lady."

You rolled your eyes, guess you're gonna have to pull out your secret weapon.

With pleading eyes and hands grasped with one another, you begged the man in front of you, "Please! Oh, God of Festivities may you grant me the wish to redo your repulsive attempt on makeup? Please?"

Oh lord, this is embarrassing.

"N- No..." He gulped, visible sweat dropping at the edge of his forehead.

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