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(`・ω・') warning- cussing, blood, unedited

・Y/N's pov

"I never realized how popular I was until now..." I muttered as I held onto eleven boxes full of sakura mochi on my lap, curtesy to Mitsuri who was bawling her eyes out for half an hour when she realized I woke up from my coma.

Anyways, I was currently laying on my bed in the room alone. No one else was with me since I requested I needed the time alone.

I looked up at the ceiling with the scene of my Kosuke and my mother replaying in my head constantly, almost as if it was a broken record that could never be fixed.

One second would be silence, and another would be my scream echoing within the walls of my living room.

It kept going back and forth, rewinding and playing.

I bit my lip in irritation, drawing blood down my chin as I wiped my lips with my sore fingers, groaning at the spike of pain from my sudden motion of my hands.

I tilted my head and looked over to my bedside table that held bouquets of flowers, short writings, origamis, and even some sweets. The sight made me smile, since I felt  thankful I had so many people worrying about my health, especially Tanjiro who stood by my side ever since I laid unconscious.

I glanced back at my other hand which held a letter written by Zenitsu to me personally. According to Tanjiro, it was short summary of what happened during my coma. Apparently, he wasn't able say much since Zenitsu didn't give him any clues, so all he really knew was that something important was written in there.

The letter itself was seen neatly folded with a weathered ribbon across it, holding onto the paper shut. Usually, I would immediately open anything that was given to me, but not right now.

I was scared.

It was too damn obvious that there was something major hidden inside the letter for Zenitsu to literally ask Tanjiro to give it to me, rather than showing up at my room and giving the letter to my himself.

With a heavy sigh I rethink the broken dreams that ran across my head. Kosuke himself said that after I wake up, I wouldn't remember any of the memories he shown me... yet I do. Why is that?

Why is it that he was the one who manipulated everyone? Why was I the one he chose to get killed and reincarnate into a new world? Was this even a new world, or just the past? Were demons never fiction?

It took a moment for tears forming around the edges of my eye as I kept asking questions regarding the memories I was given. All of this was too overwhelming, it was as if someone just thrown a bucket of water at me... then hydrogen peroxide... then literal lava.

I mean come on— apparently my mother was the true victim who was forced to abuse me due to my bastard of a father's commands? Not only that, but Kosuke was never even by my side from the start. All he was, was a demon who manipulated everyone to get what he wants no matter how immoral it was. But I guess he is a demon for a reason.

I could feel my tears falling at the side of my cheeks, down to my ears and all the way to my bedsheets. What if this wasn't even the end of all the lies I was given? What if there was more to uncover? What if this was just baby steps to the real deal?

I wasn't even given the news if Rengoku was alive or not since no one gave me the chance to ask, making me feel more anxious as time passed.

"Y/N, are you alright?" 

I looked over at the side where Tanjiro was standing by the doorframe with worried eyes, "I could smell your worries from the training arena! Do you want to talk about it?"

𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚・k. tanjiroWhere stories live. Discover now