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(`・ω・') warning- no warning

・Y/N's pov

"...zuko-chan~! Nezuko-chan~!" I heard a voice squeal, "Hehehe! Nezuko-chan~! Hehehe-"

I aimed my pillow from my futon to the unknown voice to shut them up, causing a large thump to end the ruckus.

"Hey! Who did that!" the voice cried, "Y/N! Why did you do that to me!?"

I slowly slip my eyes open and brushed my fingers against my eyes, looking up to see a crying Zenitsu and confused Nezuko.

"Good morning," I yawned, "What happened?"

"It's you what happened! You hit me with your pillow when you were half asleep! What's with your big deal?!" Zenitsu pointed at me accusingly.

I rolled my eyes, "You were annoying and disturbed my sleep, and Nezuko's too."

"She was already awake!"

"Still disturbing! I feel bad for her having to deal with you fangirling around!"

"Meanie! You big fat meanie!"

"Zenitsu!" Tanjiro yelled as he held his arms up to protect Nezuko from Zenitsu, "Stop following my sister already!"

Zenitsu stared at him for awhile and sang, "Ta~an~ji~ro~u!"

"Crazy," I confirmed under my breath, "My brother is absolutely crazy."

"Hehehe!" Zenitsu giggled while he held onto Tanjiro's hand, "Let's be best friends Tanjiro! Let's be very good friends!"

He continued to repeat the same line as the three ran in a circle, Tanjiro and Nezuko trying to get away from Zenitsu who was chasing them around.

"Zenitsu! Stop chasing us!" Tanjiro begged.

"Oh, come on don't be like that, Tanjiro!"

I sighed, this trio is going to be the death of me.

'I should kidnap Nezuko with me before things get a little too out of hand... Wait! Oh no, I told Tanjiro everything yesterday!' I panicked, 'Well it did feel good saying everything out loud... No! Think rationally!'

"Tanjiro." I voiced seriously, "Outside. Now."

Everyone within my peripheral jumped in shock at my menace tone, Tanjiro slowly nodded and followed me outside where Inosuke was. I continued walking until we were at the side of the building with no one in our vision to overhear us. I glared at Tanjiro making him freeze at his spot.

I pushed him to the wall and placed my arms between his head as I murmured, "Is this what people call kabe-don?"

"What?" Tanjiro quietly asked.

"Nothing!" I yelled making him jump again, "Listen, pretend yesterday night did not happen. I wasn't on my right mind."

I looked up at him to see what his expression would be, I thought it would be pity or sadness. Except, it wasn't anything like that but a heavy blush across his face.

"Er, Tanjiro?" I asked, "You okay?"

"I'm fine!" Tanjiro yelled, making me wince. "Ah! Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, Y/N! You see, it's fine if you don't want me to talk about it with you, j- just tell me when you are ready!"

I looked at him skeptically, not because if he was telling the truth but about his sudden outburst. He was blushing for some reason, but I didn't know why, "Alright then, I trust your judgement Tanjiro."

"All better!" The doctor said.

All of us sighed in relief, I knew I was going to get better due to how little injuries I got from my previous fight. However, I didn't think the others would heal so fast, especially Tanjiro & Inosuke who had to deal with most of the injuries.

𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚・k. tanjiroWhere stories live. Discover now