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(`・ω・') warning- nothing!!

・2nd pov

Your eyes lept from one wall to another, keeping a watchful eye for any suspicious activity— yet, another side of you couldn't help but rethink your past memories.

No, not your previous life, but more of a short rewind of things that have happened over the days in this world. More specifically, when you told Tanjiro the half truth of your identity.

He knew you were from another world and the future without you, but he has yet to question anything about it since then.

Why was that?

You didn't know and will probably never know until you ask him about it, but for now you kept quiet.

"Y/N," Tanjiro called, nudging you by the side.

The both of you were currently walking side by side with folded laundry in your arms, carrying it down the secluded hallways.

It was only awhile that the two of you stayed in the Tokito House and gained a bit of information regarding to this mission, but nothing that could be considered actual footprints leading to the wanted demon.

Well, two demons in fact but that was about it. You were the only person who knew that, given you were a reader of the Demon Slayer manga with horrible memory.

You mentally noted to warn Tanjiro and the others about the chance of more than one demons intruding.

You turned to him with your full attention, humming in response.

The sun began to set, reflecting the moonlight towards your direction as bright dandelion threads cascaded through your relaxed, but still guarded, shoulders.

Tanjiro looked back at you with a smile, he was glad you were by his side on this mission.

He didn't say it out loud though.

Because he knew that you knew he thought the same thing, guess you could call it a lover's intuition or whatever bullcrappy corny phrases most people would call.

But he sometimes wished he had the confidence to ask what his future had in store, after all he was the only person who knew your secret. Though, that was only ever in his perspective.

"I smell impurity," the boy answered as he looked down. You didn't fail to catch a glimpse of his eyebrows furrowing, letting him continue his words, "The night in this town smells very impure..."

You looked up at the ceiling, not giving a response whatsoever.

Because the both of you knew the answer to your reply.


Inosuke yelled, flailing his hands around as an act to prove his nonexistent point, "THIS IS WHAT IT WAS LIKE! I'M SURE OF IT!"

The three of you— Tanjiro, Inosuke, and you— were seen on the morning rooftops of the houses in the Red Light District, completely out of sight of people who were seen clattering down on the roads.

You arched your brow at Inosuke's blabbering, clearly showing your lack of enthusiasm in his words while Tanjiro was nodding off, completely ignoring his eccentric claims and blindly agreeing with whatever the man was saying.


"Just hold up a bit... mhm..."

"Yeah, well uhh..."

Throwing his hands around in god knows what formation, Inosuke shoved his hands towards your face in a hasty manner, "LIKE THIS!? CAN YOU TELL IF I DO THIS!?"

𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚・k. tanjiroWhere stories live. Discover now