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(`・ω・') warning- angst & violence

Is this just a dream, or hidden memories?

Everything in front of me was purely white. I hesitantly stretched my body, slowly making me confused on why nothing was straining. I remembered I was in the middle of fighting with Rengoku against Akaza and recalled my ribs crushing against my body with basically half of my body being immobilized.

So what even happened after? All I could remember was seeing the silhouette of Rengoku and Akaza fighting each other as I was on the ground, trying my best to stay awake.

But my sight darkened before I could even see the results of the battle...


I flinched at the sudden voice calling my name and turned around to see a familiar pink-eyed male who was glaring at me with disappointment. He shook his head and sighed, "Of all people, I couldn't believe you died. Was that flame hashira of yours so important for you to risk your life in order to save him like that?"

I responded with an arched brow and spoke, "What do you mean 'die'? I didn't die, I'm still here walking without any wounds... somehow."

Kosuke began to laugh loudly as he wiped an imaginary tear off his face, "You? Didn't die? Please, you must be joking! You clearly did die, I mean it would be a miracle for someone with injuries like yours to end up living. Unfortunately, you weren't blessed with that miracle so that's too bad..."

I began to rise my words in disbelief, "What you are saying does not make any sense! First, you forced me into this Demon Slayer world and now you're saying I died? What next? I'm suddenly going to revive and wake back up because you're apparently half-demon with magical Blood Demon Art?"

"Precisely!" He beamed.

"See, I told you- WHAT?!"

"I'm currently trying to find a way to revive you somehow with my Blood Demon Art, it might take awhile though..." Kosuke trailed off, but then clapped his hands, "Oh! Also to remind you, I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this so you can complete my final goal!"

"Stop being all giddy-giddy! I wasn't born to just do everything for you!" I yelled, "Your plan may have worked from the start, but I will try my very damn best to avoid anything that can trigger whatever your goal is, even if you don't tell me!"

Kosuke hummed in dismissal and clicked his fingers, teleporting the both of us back at my house.

My old house from my previous life.

My breath hitched as my body was instantly filled with nostalgia— the wooden floors, long table, pure white walls that hung family picture frames, and the door in front of us that led to my old room.

"W- Why... why did you bring me here," My breath slowly turned shaky after stuttering, "What are you doing to me this time?"

Kosuke sent me a side eye and smirked, "To show you the truth. Afterall, this won't be the same as your other dreams. So, might as well relive some memories!"

"Is this your way of trying to torture me? To show off my memories I don't want to go back to?!"

The pink-eyed boy chuckled, "Who said I was going to show you just your memories?"

Before I could say anything, he clapped his hands.

— It's been five days —

𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚・k. tanjiroWhere stories live. Discover now