24・pocky game

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(`・ω・') warning- cussing

・Y/N's pov

In short, a disaster.

After I paired everyone up in separate groups and explained the point of the game, Kyojuro, Uzui, and Sanemi immediately bolted out of the Butterfly Mansion while taking a couple of pastries back home in their hands.

(I understood why Uzui would've left, but man I never knew the other two were such major wussies.)

Not only that, but Kanao also silently stood up and walked away out the door with no one daring to stop her. I swore I saw a growing tick mark above her forehead for a second after she learned who her partner was.

Thus, after the four left, the whole kitchen was silent with half of the crowd having a pocky stick in their hand. Zenitsu was silently crying in the background being the only person who was left out by his original partner, Kanao.

I slightly shivered as a dark aura crept my back, making me hesitantly look behind me to see a peeved Shinobu who was partnered up with the familiar water hashira. Though she was smiling, it was made obvious that her grin didn't reach her eyes.


id just like to clarify that i do not ship shinobu and giyuu, i see them having a
platonic relationship rather romantic, this is just for comedic purposes!!
anyways lets continue on


"So you're saying that we put this biscuit in our mouths at each end, eat until both parties reach the middle, and see what happens?" She interrogated, clearly knowing full well what the answer of the question she asked to me.

I only nodded ever so slyly, not noticing steam rushing out of Tanjiro's ears as his cheeks burning harsh crimson red due to embarrassment.

Obanai, who was at the corner of the room, became mortified when he realized the goal of the game. He looked at the pocky he was holding, then at his partner— a confused Mitsuri, back at the pocky, then at Mitsuri. He never wanted to dig himself a hole this badly until this moment.

On the other hand, Aoi and Inosuke were still a bit dumbfounded. The two were both paired up and looked at each other in confusion when they noticed Shinobu was irritated at the "pocky game" I introduced. Aoi was still trying to find the reason why the insect pillar was upset while Inosuke wanted nothing more than to chomp down the desserts everyone made.

Zenitsu was still alone in the corner as always, mumbling a few curses towards me while thinking of plans on when he can make dates with Nezuko during their stay at Shinobu's Butterfly Mansion.

"I see," Shinobu responded, the dark air around her soon disappeared as she clapped her hands, "Alright, let's start playing your little game then!"

I sighed in relief and turned to Tanjiro, who might I add was still blushing fifty shades of red, and pulled my hands toward the homemade pocky at the front of his lips.

I gestured towards the snack, "Bite on it."

"Ack! Okay!" Tanjiro squeaked.

I lightly snickered at his antsy reaction as he harshly bit onto the biscuit from pure anxiety, accidentally breaking off a short end of the stick.

He squeaked another apology— and being the great person I am, accepted it— once again, he bit onto the end of the stick, but unlike last time it didn't break (thankfully).

The others who were participating the game (by force, of course) were still a bit confused with the exception of Shinobu and Obanai— one being shaky from extreme nervousness and the other smiling with a pissed off atmosphere surrounding herself.

Aoi and Inosuke on the other hand, the most confused ones of the bunch, were already playing their part of the game. Until they were near the middle, Inosuke vigorously inhaled the whole thing before their lips could even touch at all, completely breaking the point of the game.

So yeah, that meant they were still confused as ever and didn't understand the premise.

For Shinobu and Giyuu, as soon as the two bit on both ends of the pocky, the insect hashira instantly used her teeth to grip the ends of the snack harshly before pulling it out and completely swallowing it whole.

"..." Giyuu sweat dropped.

Contrary to Obanai, that man was still shaking.

Letting go of the snack, I glanced at Tanjiro with my head tilted back, "So you know the rules to the game?"

The burgundy-eyed boy nodded meekly, waiting until he could feel pressure at the other end of the stick. Then and there was the time where he finally wish he could pass out.

It wasn't like Tanjiro was shy with "lovey-dovey" actions such as kissing on the cheeks and hugging, in fact he really doesn't mind those gestures and appreciates it, especially when it came from me.

But it's just the fact that it was going to be his first kiss on the lips is what made him anxious. And he wouldn't have believed it was going to be the cause of a food game. A food game for god sakes!

Awhile passed with the both of us taking baby bites on each end, the taste of cream and cookie erupted in my taste buds as I looked towards Tanjiro who was trying his best to make eye contact, but eventually failed.

As soon as the two of us were a quarter way through the middle, he looked extremely nervous? I couldn't help but tilt my head in a slight confusion, furrowing my brows as I felt worried for whatever Tanjiro was nervous about.

However, those worries were soon lost when he firmly grasped my rough cheeks, getting a surprised noise in response.


Before I was able to question his actions, Tanjiro swiftly pulled my face towards his, planting a soft but firm kiss at my lips.


Though his lips were rough, the scent of pinewood bark coming from the burgundy haired boy calmed me almost instantaneously. The kiss itself was endearing, full of affection and love without the need to make any more contact as of which.

(And I also definitely didn't hear the sound of Zenitsu grinding his teeth together in jealousy.)

It was only for a matter of time we disconnected, unfortunately. I silently grumbled, patiently waiting for Tanjiro to finally reboot and take in what just happened a few seconds ago... and mixed reactions from this man I tell you. He went from pure bliss, to regret, to sorrow, to bliss again.

I inwardly chuckled at his expressions, looking away and observed the others who were thankfully minding their own business, aside from Zenitsu still glaring daggers at the both of us.

Thinking about it now, where did he get all that confidence from all of a sudden?

Well, that doesn't matter... I should mark this day on my calendar and call a new holiday.


im honestly just stalling rn bc i cant write fight scenes (or just romance in general but here i am) for the life of me (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾

also, sorry for the short chapter, the word count is literally 1k :/ i didnt know what else to put so here you go lmfao

anyways tysm for 22k+ reads!

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