25・inner thoughts

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(`・ω・') warning- a bit of angst & cussing

・2nd pov

"Ahh, that was fun!" You cheered to yourself.

You couldn't help but grin triumphantly, sure there were a few people who booted themselves out the game but it didn't change the fact it was fun! Plus, you also had you first kiss with Tanjiro, who might I add made the first move.

The said boy, who was walking right besides you hand to hand, laughed, "It really was a fun time, wasn't it? I'm glad you made this competition, everyone including the hashiras finally have a time to bond together."

"Besides Muichiro and Gyomei..." You muttered angrily, kicking an invisible rock to the ground.

Indeed, the baking competition along with the pocky game came to an end with everyone going back to their own corridors. Though no one would ever say it out loud, it was clear that the people who participated had fun despite their fights and disagreements along the way.

Living as a demon slayer, it was only ever the obvious for everyone that times like these are an absolute treasure. As soon as you find happiness you will be strucked by another obstacle along the way, even stronger and more unpredictable than the last one. Resting periods such as these bonding moments with one another were made to be cherished.

But, nothing can last forever am I right?

You hummed down the hallway with Tanjiro by your side, the silence was nice and comforting— unlike the awkward ones where you wish you could bash your head on a wall. The serene nightfall casting against the mansion's windows, reflecting your bright lightning-like hair in contrast made everything seem so peaceful.

'If only this could last forever,' you thought bitterly.

Tanjiro seemed to notice a scent of sorrow hiding from my expression as he squeezed your hand in an attempt to comfort you, which did help a bit so you squeezed back in response.

He called for your name, breaking the tranquil silence, "If... you need someone to talk to, I'm here alright? I may not be the best at comforting others, but I'm always free to listen to one's problems, especially from you."

"... Yeah," you nodded, sending him a smile in response, "I will."

It was evident that your stiff smile was forcibly plastered on your face as an effort to sneak away from having to spill your troubles to the boy. He knew, you knew, the both of you knew yet no one dared to speak a single word about it.

But Tanjiro was willing to wait and be patient until it was time for you to open up, from Jigoro's sudden news of his death and the fact you were next to death's door during your fight at the train mission, you were going through a ton of shit and he thankfully understood.

A few minutes in and you two parted ways when you found yourself in front of the room you privately occupied— a room only for patients who had dealt serious injuries, currently going through a stage of healing.

Both of you didn't want to separate, but it was a matter of time you had to.

Clutching the door's metal knob, you silently opened the wooden door with the sound of creaking resounding the empty room. A faint smell of medicinal herbs and drugs made your eyebrows furrow, but then again you were used to the scent as you occupied the space for awhile.

Closing the entrance way, you dropped your body towards the sheet of white sluggishly on the bed, cringing at the sudden aching of your abdomen.

'Fuck, I forgot there was a hole in my body trying to heal there, whoops.'

𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚・k. tanjiroWhere stories live. Discover now