Chapter 1

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A/N - This story is my work and I'm just making up the characters aside from Harry and the rest of the sidemen etc later on. This is not an accurate representation of Harry, just my little world!
I made a playlist for this story on Spotify
It's called 'Our Little Secret - w2s' and the user should be the one w the Cher from clueless profile pic. The pic for the playlist is one of 2 people hugging on a couch!

New Years Eve 2013

Olivia was kept busy with her schoolwork and did not have time for parties or boys. At 17 years old she could count the number of parties she'd been to on one hand, but tonight was an exception, it being New Year and all. She sat in front of her dirty mirror and plugged her phone into the small speaker that sat balanced on top of books and other items of clutter that covered the top of the dressing table, she shuffled the music before landing on some dance track she could do her makeup to and got to work.

With her hair in loose messy waves and a sufficient amount of makeup on her face she shimmied herself into a black sparkly dress she borrowed from her best friend Jess. Something she would have to remember not to do in the future.

The phone suddenly stopped playing music and Jess's picture flashed on the screen, Olivia hurried to answer it, smudging the fresh black nail polish she had just finished doing. She was met with the half-drunken screams of her friend.

"You ready Liv? I want to head now" Jess spoke loudly

"I need to finish getting ready. It's only 7, calm down we'll be there in plenty of time, and maybe calm down with the Bacardi yeah?" Olivia replied

"Never. I'll see you soon" Jess slurred before hanging up the phone

Olivia turned up the music and stared at herself in the mirror, dissecting every little thing possible before finally standing up and heading downstairs to see her parents. Jean and Michael Evans were a normal couple. No conflict or lost love between them, two kids that were usually well behaved but if there was one thing they would disagree on it was how Olivia should be parented.

When Olivia entered the downstairs lounge, Michael had to take a double-take. Her dress sat well above her knee and was covered in sequins and beads, the saving grace is that there was one long sleeve and did not expose her chest. She wore chunky black heels that had seen a few years of wear and tear and had two big orange-looking circles on her cheeks. Michael put down his newspaper and glanced up to his daughter, clearly very disapproving. Jean, however, thought her daughter's look was fantastic.

"Oh you look gorgeous pet, let me get a picture for Facebook" She cooed

"Mum no. The last time you posted something, Auntie Eileen said I looked fat" Olivia grumbled

Jean gave her daughter a look and went to the kitchen to collect her phone to take a picture.

"What time will you be home tonight?" Michael asked, making an effort to make conversation with Olivia while she was reapplying her lipgloss.

"I'm just going to stay at Jess's if that's okay?" she asked

Her dad nodded before returning to his paper "As long as you're not going back with some boy" he mumbled

Jean returned to the living room with her phone ready to take pictures of her daughter. She positioned Olivia beside the Christmas tree in the corner and ordered her to pose. As she was doing so her older brother Jamie came through the door dressed in a shirt and jeans. Jamie was only a year older and shared many friends in Olivias year at school but had the persona of someone much older. He exuded confidence unlike his little sister and had no issue getting invited to parties which is why Olivia found herself going to the same one as him tonight.

Our Little Secret - Harry Lewis, WroetoshawWhere stories live. Discover now