Chapter 19

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June 2020 

Back in London Olivia rubbed her bloodshot eyes and glanced at the clock. 05:13 am, she had been working on new stories as her last ones had gained nothing but good feedback, meaning she was beginning to write more and more. She couldn't think how she wanted the story to end, her last stories had all ended rather depressing. She chalked this up to her general mood after starting her anxiety medication. Harry had been incredibly supportive through this, but Olivia couldn't help but feel she was being a burden, no matter how many times he had assured her she wasn't. She could hear him in his room playing games as she sat in the living room staring blankly at her laptop screen. 

The sun was beginning to rise and Olivia headed upstairs and outside, wrapping herself in a blanket. Opening up a new packet of cigarettes Olivia crumpled the foil in her hands, playing about with it, its sharp edges digging into the soft pads of her fingers. She took a seat outside and pulled her legs up to her chest, enveloping herself in the blanket. The hours seemed to tick by as Olivia chain-smoked, staring at the various gym equipment strewn about the garden. She was down to her last 10 by 8 o'clock, her body now feeling numb and her eyes feeling as though she had not blinked in days when she heard the door open and shut behind her. She quickly stubbed out the cigarette and was faced with Freezy who sported a concerned look. 

He shielded his eyes from the bright sunshine and pulled up a seat beside her, starting to roll himself a joint.

"You okay?" he asked

Olivia nodded slightly, her trance still fully in place "You should stop that you know" she said nodding towards Cal's hands 

"Says the one that's just smoked half a deck of cigarettes" 

"Watching me were you?" 

"Heard the door open at 5 in the morning, didn't hear it open after that"

Olivia shrugged, closing her eyes and facing toward the sun, welcoming the warmth

"Smoking's unattractive" Cal joked, licking the paper 

"Mm, good thing you don't need to find me attractive then" 

"I didn't say I didn't," he said, holding his hands up in defence

"I'm telling Harry" she teased 

"I could take him" Cal insisted. 

Olivia and Cal had grown very close since her staying in the house, however, he was more like an annoying brother and the pair both sought out nothing more.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong then?"

"Stressed" she shrugged 

"You need some of this instead of those," he said exhaling 

"Just worried about my stories and stuff, can't finish them and then you know. The pandemic" she rolled her eyes 

"Your stories are sick Liv, you'll get them finished don't worry and as for the other thing, you know you can talk to any of us if you feel shit" 

"Yeah I know, I'm gonna go inside. My arse is numb" 

"Nice," he said sarcastically

Olivia headed back inside and headed to the room where Harry lay sprawled on the bed, murmuring things in his sleep that Olivia couldn't really work out, she crawled into bed beside him, instantly feeling the warmth of her sleeping boyfriend. He opened one eye suddenly as Olivia lay down.

"Liv? What time is it? I don't remember falling asleep" 

"It's like half 8, I haven't slept, go back to sleep" she assured 

Harry closed his eyes and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her into a warm hug, he kissed her exposed shoulderblade and Olivia lay with her eyes open, still unable to sleep. This is where she stayed until finally falling asleep around 10, just as Harry was beginning to stir. 

When he finally awoke, Olivia was fully sleeping and he didn't want to wake her. He knew she had been struggling to sleep well. He got up, showered and dressed and sat down at his computer and opened up the page he had been looking at the night before, it was houses for sale in Guernsey. Over the past few months, he had realised that he really did enjoy living with Olivia and wanted nothing more than to stay with her full time. He heard the sheets shuffle behind him and he clicked onto another tab, wanting to ask Olivia in a better way than her just noticing over his shoulder. 

He exited the tab and removed it from his history before jumping up and heading downstairs to get breakfast. As he poured himself a cup of tea he heard the doorbell ring twice, looking around in confusion he walked over to the door and opened it to a smiling Gee holding a Tesco bag. 

"Hi, Harry. Is Liv up? She didn't answer my texts" 

"She's actually just got to sleep. Did you have plans?" 

"Social distanced picnic" she nodded 

"Shit. She's out for it Gee I won't lie, want me to come?" 

"Oh no don't be silly," Gee said shaking her head 

"Nah I want to, we'll go sit in the garden, come in," Harry said ushering her inside

The friends went upstairs and sat in the garden, the sun beaming on top of both of them, Gee noticed the very full ashtray on the little table and glanced at Harry.

"She's stressed then?"


"Bless her, I don't know why, her work is unreal" she said chucking a bottled smoothie over to Harry

"I keep trying to tell her that but you know what she's like" Harry said unscrewing the lid to the bottle "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah always" 

"Do you think it would be stupid of me to buy a house in Guernsey for like, me and Liv?"

Gee shook her head "You live together anyway"

"Yeah but it's not been like a proper talked about thing"

"Harry she sold her flat, I'd say it's pretty clear"

"You know what Gee, you might be onto something there" he teased, rolling his eyes 

Harry got up the web page he was looking at earlier and showed Gee the house he was looking at. He explained his family would live there however when he and Liv went back they would stay there. Gee smiled widely at this and promised not to tell Olivia until Harry mentioned it himself. The two laughed and chatted until a very sleepy Olivia came and joined them, soon followed by Freezy. They all decided to order food and eat outside as the sun was still extremely warm. 

As the sun began to set, Gee decided to head home and Olivia gave her a hug thanking her for coming. Harry walked her downstairs to the door.

"Remember, don't say anything"

"Harold the lack of trust you have in me is shameful. When have I told your secrets" she laughed giving his arm a squeeze before waving goodbye. 

Harry turned around and spied Olivia standing with her arms crossed "Don't say anything about what?" she asked 

Our Little Secret - Harry Lewis, WroetoshawWhere stories live. Discover now