Chapter 29

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Christmas Day 2020

Christmas had arrived and Harry excitedly jumped out of bed. The alarm clock said 7:00 am and he padded about the room gently, trying not to wake Olivia. He shoddily wrapped the gifts he had gotten her and his family, and by wrapped it meant Harry's definition, a ball of paper secured with some tape to ensure that said present didn't slip out. He sent a text to the boys chat to wish them a Merry Christmas and headed out into the living room to find he was the only one up which was an incredible surprise as he was the last one up the night prior. He filled the dog bowls and played with them for a moment, trying to snap a picture of Oscar in a Santa hat which failed terribly.

Heading upstairs he opened the door to Josh's room and grinned wickedly at the sight of his younger brother sleeping soundly. In one swift movement, he jumped on top of his snoring sibling and the once peaceful house was now disrupted with the sounds of the two brothers yelling at one another.


"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Josh shouted.

"Many things my friend, get up it's Christmas."

"No! Really! I would never have guessed! Let me go back to sleep you fucking child" Josh grumbled into his pillow.

"That's not very jolly" Harry teased.

"Harry you're 24, act like it" he growled.

"You're never too old for Christmas" he grinned.

After a few more choice words from the younger Lewis brother, Harry managed to get him out of bed and onto the next victim. Rosie. Just before the two brothers reached the door it opened wide and she stood scowling in the doorway, arms crossed, hair falling from its ponytail, Christmas pyjamas and a pair of fuzzy slippers on her feet.

"I could hear you from Josh's room. Not this year you twat" she yawned.

"She's smarter than you" he said to Josh.

"I'm smarter than both of you put together" she jeered.

"Wouldn't be hard" Josh shrugged.

The next stop was their parent's room. Tricia and Adrian had also been woken by the ruckus in Josh's room.

"Why is it you stay asleep till dinner time every day other than today" Adrian rubbed his eyes.

"Because IT'S CHRISTMAS" Harry yelled

His parents and siblings exchanged looks with each other and laughed at Harry.

"Back to bed for an hour. Then we can all get up, I'll make breakfast" Tricia said.

Harry pouted and headed out of the room, traipsing downstairs back to his own bedroom where by some miracle Olivia lay sound asleep, unbothered by the noise from upstairs. He planted a small kiss on her forehead and sat on his computer until he heard his mother's footsteps and he decided he would go and annoy her while she made breakfast.

He sat on the couch with Herb on his lap and watched his mum make and cook different breakfast things with vegetarian options for Rosie.

"So," she said over the noise of frying eggs.

"So" he replied.

"You seem very excited. Wouldn't be anything to do with the present you're giving Olivia today?" She pried.

"What do you mean? I'm always excited for Christmas" he said knitting his brows together.

"Nothing. Just you seem extra excited today" she raised her eyebrows and smirked while she poured a cup of coffee.

Our Little Secret - Harry Lewis, WroetoshawWhere stories live. Discover now