Chapter 23

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A/N - Chapter is mature!

October 2020 

Olivia fiddled with the curls in her hair. Tonight was her book launch but instead of having a massive launch party, she had decided to have a party with her group as they were all in a bubble anyway due to the boys filming. Josh and Freya had kindly offered to host and everyone was really looking forward to it. Except for Olivia.

"Why are you so nervous? The books great" Freezy said sipping his drink at the dining table

"Yeah but like after this it's all about sales and stuff and what if it tanks?" Olivia muttered playing with the bracelets on her arm

"It's not going to" Harry reassured, putting an arm around her shoulder and squeezing lightly.

Once they arrived at Josh and Freya's Olivia started to relax a bit. Freya had decorated the place with banners saying 'Congratulations Liv' and different balloons that matched the colour of the book cover. Everyone had arrived before Olivia to greet her when she arrived. The group began to get very tipsy soon and started laughing when talking about funny stories. Over the past few years, Olivia had held a sort of resentment against the boys as she felt they had 'taken' Harry away from her, but as she got to know them she loved them all like brothers and couldn't imagine her life without them. Especially when they had gone to such great efforts to celebrate her. She understood now that back home Harry was just the boy that played video games and made funny videos, but here he was part of a family.

"We've come a long way since that day and we will never look back, at the faded silhouette" Olivia sang along to the music, spinning a very drunk Talia round the floor. 

She locked eyes with Harry and smiled widely, remembering the many times they had sung this song loudly in the car and at festivals together, the lyrics meaning more to them. He smiled back and came over to dance with the girls. He wrapped his arms around Olivia's waist and pulled her closer to him, she slung her arms over his shoulders and drunkenly swayed with him. 

"I'm mega proud of you" he leaned down and whispered to her. 

Olivia gave him a peck on the cheek before being dragged back to dance with Talia. The girls jumped around as the song changed to an old Calvin Harris one. All the boys had gotten up to dance at this point and they were all drunkenly dancing in Josh and Freya's living room. Olivia felt such a wave of true happiness surge through her as she spun under Tobi's arm while they laughed at JJs dance moves.

Taking a deep breath she excused herself to the bathroom for a moment. In the toilet, she clung onto the sides of the sink, the coolness calming her clammy hands. She stared at herself in the mirror for a while, to the point she was beginning to question whether or not she was a real person. The music had seemed to fade behind her and all she could hear was the bass booming loudly, so loud that she felt she could feel it coming through the floorboards. She blinked a few times and fanned herself down when the door opened.

"I'm in here" she said, suddenly snapping out of her trance 

"It's me you dick" Harry laughed locking the door behind him

"Oh I see, I'll leave" she said moving toward the door 

Harry caught her wrist and pulled her back, he rested her back against the sink and pulled Olivia into a kiss. 

"Harry! I've been gone for ages I'll need to go back" she giggled 

"They won't notice" he smirked, putting his hands around her waist from behind and moving Olivias hair to one side and kissing down her neck

Olivia stared at the couple in the mirror and felt her cheeks grow red as if she was watching something she shouldn't have been, despite it being her and her boyfriend. Harry's hands travelled down Olivia's body, toward the hem of her skirt, he rubbed the material between his fingers for a second before bunching it up around her waist and moving one of his hands to the front of her. She stared at him in the mirror, her eyes fixed on his hands.

"You look so beautiful tonight" he murmured into her shoulder causing her blush to deepen. 

"You make me so nervous" she breathed

"Do I?" he said lowly into her ear, his words lingering in the air

She nodded slowly, screwing her eyes up and biting her lip as Harry moved the material of her underwear to one side. 

"Go on then. What are you waiting for?" Olivia teased, suddenly feeling her confidence return

"Nothing in particular" Harry shrugged unbuttoning his trousers and bending Olivia further over the sink, her grip on the porcelain now so tight her knuckles were almost beginning to turn the same colour. 

Fixing themselves Olivia brushed through her tangled curls with her fingers which Harry had just had a hold of. Harry splashed water on his red face and exhaled. 

"Yeah they're definitely going to know we just had sex" he laughed

"We could fucking hear you. Now move I need a piss" Ethan yelled from outside

Olivia widened her eyes and clamped a hand over her mouth "I can't leave this bathroom" she whispered

"You can and you will" Ethan shouted again

"What the fuck Behz do you have sonic hearing or something, how did you hear that?" Harry asked baffled 

"Josh's walls are just shit, NOW MOVE" he banged on the door 

The couple exited the bathroom with embarrassed looks on their faces to be greeted by their friends.

"Have fun?" Freezy howled

"I never, ever want to hear that again" Vik said, feigning shock

"That's it. No sex in the bathroom for anyone" Josh said giving a fake warning that made Freya pout 

"But Simon and I were just about to go?" JJ joked causing the group to erupt into laughter

Talia was now passed out on the couch and Gee was rubbing her eyes ready to leave, it was only Olivia, Cal, Harry, Ethan and Freya up and drinking still, Olivia checked the clock and noticed it was now 4 am yet she didn't feel tired whatsoever. 

"Afters at ours for whoever wants it" she yelled causing those who were still in the mood to party to whoop in delight. 

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