Chapter 2

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A/N - Lil bit mature in this chapter so fair warning 

New Years Day 2014

Harry opened his eyes to his bedroom bathed in light, the early morning winter sun had trickled in and left a bright glow around the blue-painted room. Everything was normal apart from the fact that there was another body in the bed beside him. 

He peeked underneath the covers to see he was clothed in a pair of boxers while the girl beside him lay in an old Chelsea top of his and the rest was unknown. He looked to the floor beside him and spied a black sparkly dress, that's when it all came back to him. Olivia Evans. He had been staring at her the full night until her friend finally pushed them together, they went upstairs and started to kiss but then the rest of the night was a bit of a blur. He couldn't remember when they had gone downstairs. If anything had happened at the party and when and why they came back to his house. Harry slowly slipped out of the bed and pulled on a discarded pair of joggers that lay in a crumpled heap on the floor and a hoodie before exiting his room and heading to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. The hangover was becoming more noticeable since he stood up. 

Harry entered the kitchen to be met with his mum sitting at the table with some toast. She eyed him suspiciously but didn't say anything while he clicked on the kettle. 

"Not making one for your friend?" She asked 

"Uh... What friend?" 

"Oh, Harry" she laughed "I know our bedrooms upstairs but I recognise the sound of heels on the floor you know" 

"Nothing happened, I swear. I think? You didn't hear anything did you?" Harry panicked 

Tricia looked at her son and giggled "No, nothing happened from my understanding. You both sounded pretty plastered when you got in though so bring the girl a cuppa. Is this your girlfriend? I thought you didn't have one?" 

"I don't! She's just my friend, she was too drunk to go home last night so I said she could come here" he lied

Tricia nodded unconvincingly and took a slice of toast. As the conversation came to an end the kettle clicked and Harry produced two mugs from the cupboard and made the tea for both him and Olivia, turning his back on his mum and heading back to his room. 

When he entered the room Olivia was awake and looked visibly embarrassed. Her hair sat in a tangled mess and her makeup had gotten onto Harry's pillowcases. Harry held up the mug and Olivia smiled, accepting it happily. Harry sat at his desk and sipped his tea. 

"So," he said

"So" she replied 

"Did anything happen last night?" Harry asked

"Apart from the kiss no. Jess decided to stay at Callums so I asked if I could stay here" Olivia answered

Harry nodded and looked out the window "Sorry about that you know. You don't have to tell people, I know it would probably be a bit embarrassing saying you went home with the weird kid that videos himself playing FIFA" 

"You're not weird, and anyway I wouldn't mind people knowing even if I did have people to tell" 

"Oh right. I can drive you home whenever you want. Just let me know" 

"Could I stay for a little bit if that's okay? My parents don't ever expect me home from Jess's till about 12ish and it's only 10" 

"Yeah, that's fine. I'm going to shower though so you can play my Xbox if you want?" 

"I honestly don't think I'd know how to" she laughed 

"I'll teach you" he assured

When Harry returned from his shower Olivia lay sleeping in the bed, curled up beside her phone that lay unlocked and on messages with Jess.

Our Little Secret - Harry Lewis, WroetoshawWhere stories live. Discover now