Chapter 27

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December 2020 

The rain lashed down on the Evans family home the day of the funeral. Jean shivered into her daughter's goose-bumped arms as they left the house to enter the funeral car. Bright flower wreaths reading the words 'Dad' and 'Husband' decorated the car in front with the coffin. Olivia found herself unable to look at the car in fear that the realisation that this was in fact her dad was really gone was going to sink in. The car ride was silent other than Lauren asking where Harry was. Olivia simply stayed quiet and was now regretting her decision to tell Harry to meet them at the church.

The streets she grew up in became a blur as the car drove toward the destination. She shut her eyes gently, like a child on a rollercoaster waiting for it to stop. When the car did eventually come to a halt her legs had gone numb and she feared she wasn't able to get out of the car without the assistance of her older brother.

A small crowd had gathered in the foyer of the church, waiting for the family to arrive, Olivia spotted a few of her father's workmates, some neighbours, Jess and her family and Harry and his. Harry walked toward the family, giving them all condolences and a hug and Olivia gladly took his hand, feeling more comfortable than she had been all morning.

"Liv, could we talk for a minute" Harry asked.

"Bit busy Harry" Olivia mumbled.

"No, go ahead. They're still setting up something, they said it'll be a few minutes" Jean reassured.

Olivia reluctantly left her mother's side and headed into a small room of the church with Harry where a Sunday School had seemingly took place.

"I don't want to talk about us right now Harry, could we wait till the wake at least" she grumbled.

"No, I promise it's not that. Look, I know you're having the worst time right now, and I'm not trying to score brownie points or anything, but I thought this would maybe make today a bit easier" Harry began before picking up a laptop that sat on the desk at the front and clicking a few buttons.

Harry turned the screen to Olivia who found a zoom call had been set up with everyone back home, the boys had dressed nicely in funeral attire with Simon, Vikk and Josh even putting on a suit. The girls were there too, they waved at the screen as Olivia held her hand to her mouth.

"I thought seeing your friends would make things a bit better" Harry mumbled.

"We'd be there if we could Liv" Simon called through the screen.

"We're sorry we can't be" Tobi said next.

"No tears Evans, I know I look good but come on" Ethan said making Olivia and the group laugh.

"We love you" the girls all chorused.

"Your dads gonna be mega proud Liv" JJ chimed in

"Speaking of which. Harry, have you just taken her from a funeral?" Vikk asked.

"No, you twat we had a minute" Harry answered.

"What if you didn't have a minute, were we just to sit here in suits like dickheads?" Josh said.

"That's just your everyday life in a suit" Cal remarked.

"Thank you all so much. I don't know what to say, I love you guys so much" Olivia said through tears.

"We need to go" Harry said looking at the time on his phone. "Thanks lads" he said before letting the group bid their goodbyes to Olivia and shutting the laptop over.

The pair left the room, shutting the door behind them and re-joining the family, Olivia avoided her mother's questions by saying she would tell her later as she knew the act of kindness would set Jean off. Olivia held Harry's hand tightly as they headed to their seats, keeping him close to her.

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