Chapter 20

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July 2020 

With things seemingly going back to normal, a few people from the group had decided to go on holiday to Spain. Olivia had decided to stay home which the boys all joked was a mistake as Harry would've probably not returned, she rolled her eyes and laughed at these comments even though they hurt slightly.  She knew that she trusted Harry and that was all that mattered. 

After Gee had come round the last time Olivia was terrified that something was going on. She recalled the memory as she sat at the table eating a bowl of pasta. 

"Don't say anything about what?" she asked, a strange sense of fear wrapping around her, making every negative thing she could ever think go through her head

"Nothing" Harry said quickly

"It must be something? Gee said something about secrets. Are you hiding something from me?"


"Did something happen between you two earlier?"

"God, no!"

"Then why won't you tell me?"

Harry sighed and rubbed between his eyes "Come to my room" he said pulling her toward the direction of his bedroom

He sat down at his computer and typed in something before showing Olivia a page with houses for sale in Guernsey. 

"I'm confused?" 

"So, I was talking to my mum and dad recently and they're wanting to move, so I thought why don't I buy like a banger gaff and they can stay there and we can stay there when we go home. I can't find one I like though" 

"What about the flat?"

"I'll sell it, it gets quite lonely don't you think? and I really want to do it as kind of like a thank you to my mum and dad. But I wanted to ask you properly and once I saw a nice house, I got a bit carried away when speaking to Gee earlier about it and that's what you heard. I thought maybe you wouldn't want to if it's with my parents and that's fine if so, we can look for something else" 

Olivia stopped his rambling by slinging her arms around him and pulling him in for a tight hug. "You silly bastard, I thought something bad had happened. Course I'd move in with you, I live here don't I?" 

Olivia placed the bowl into the sink and opened her phone, when she looked onto her email app she noticed an email from a publishing company that she had sent a rough draft of a story over to after Eilidh demanded her to do it. She opened it not expecting much and almost dropped her phone when she read the message. 

Hello Olivia, 

I am sorry it has taken me so long to reply. I have just finished reading your story and I must say I am more than impressed with it, I have shared it with some colleagues and after some talks, we would like to offer you a deal. We would like to work with you closely to produce a fully-fledged book out of your story. The writing is so captivating and there is certainly room to expand on the world. Give us a call if this is something you would be interested in. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely, 

Pamela Murdoch

Olivia stared at the screen for a moment, rereading the message to double-check it was actually happening. She jumped up and down for a moment, squealing with glee before switching apps to her contacts to tell someone. She tried Harry's phone a few times but it ran out, same with Jess and eventually, her parents picked up. She screamed the news down the phone to her parents who matched her energy, yelling congratulations down the phone. She was quickly cut off by an incoming facetime from Harry and she bid goodbye to her parents. 

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