Chapter 26

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Harry gripped his steering wheel harder than usual, he had been parked outside Olivia's house for around 10 minutes and still couldn't bring himself to go in. They hadn't spoken much after his last outing and he was trying to rack his brain on what to say that wouldn't make him seem like the worst person ever. Just as he was about to go in his phone rang and Cal's picture lit up the screen, he quickly pressed accept and put the receiver to his ear.

"Yeah?" he answered.

"Hello to you too. How're things?" Cal asked.

"Fine" Harry replied.

"So, you spoke to Olivia then?"  Cal questioned.

"Oh, you meant with that. I've not been in mate I'm too scared" Harry admitted.

Cal snorted "Pussy".

"It's not funny. This could break us apart" Harry breathed.

"Well, you should've thought about that" Cal tutted.

"Yes, I know. Dad" Harry rolled his eyes.

"Now isn't the time for your daddy kink Harry" Cal joked.

"Oh, fuck off! You're not even trying to help. What am I supposed to say 'hey Liv, sorry I almost cheated on you before your dad was even cold'" Harry groaned?

"Maybe don't say that?"

"You're useless, you're actually useless. I've got myself in a stinker here".

"Not to repeat myself from earlier but you should've – "

"Thought about that yes I know. Shit"


"Her mum just looked out the window they know I'm here. I need to go".

"Talk later. If your heads still on your shoulders"

Harry hung up the phone and exited the car, closing the door gently, something Olivia never did. He took a deep breath and headed toward the front door where Jean was now standing. She was paler than usual and although it had only been a few weeks she looked like she had aged 10 years, her hair was dishevelled, and her clothes hung on her loosely as though she hadn't been eating much. Harry didn't know what to do but did what he thought was best and pulled her into a tight wordless hug. Her body seemed so tiny in his arms, even smaller than Olivia. He pulled back and let her wipe the few tears that had escaped during the hug.

"Thank you" she whispered giving him a feeble smile.

As Harry entered the living room, he noticed Olivia in one of his sweatshirts with her legs tucked up, reading a book while Luna sat snoring softly beside her. She glanced upward and met her eyes with Harry's, Olivia's lip quivered as she stood up to face her boyfriend, he pulled her into an even tighter hug than he did her mother, refusing to let go of this one. Olivia let the tears fall freely onto Harry's blue T-shirt, leaving a damp mark. Letting out all the emotion she had kept in for the past few days. Harry stroked her hair and shushed her while Luna who had now awoken sniffed at Harry's legs.

Upstairs in Olivia's room, the couple sat at opposite ends of the bed from each other, struggling to put into words what they were feeling. Olivia picked the skin on her thumb and chewed the inside of her cheek.

"So" Harry started

"So" Olivia repeated

"How have you been" Harry asked

"Bit of a stupid question isn't it" Olivia mumbled.

"Yeah... sorry" he sighed.

"That's okay. I think we should talk about. I don't know what, but we need to talk anyway" Olivia spoke softly but the nerves were apparent in her voice.

Our Little Secret - Harry Lewis, WroetoshawWhere stories live. Discover now