Chapter 11

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Christmas Eve 2018

Harry woke up to a splitting headache and his bedroom a mess. He looked over to the rolled up note and empty bottle on his side table and flung his head back in exasperation. Rubbing his bloodshot eyes and throwing the covers off of him. He entered his kitchen and made himself a coffee before pulling his phone out to check for messages.

Rachel Coates - 02:32

You looked so fit tonight xx

Kinda gutted Liv showed up aha, was hoping I could've spent the night xx

R u going to talk to her?? I can come up tomorrow if u want xx

Harry ignored the messages and began texting Olivia's number which he still had saved from the previous year.

Harry - 10:40

Hey, it's Harry. Do you want to come up and talk? I owe you an explanation

Liv - 10:46

I need to get home and showered, be round about 12?

Harry - 10:47

Yeah great, see you then. The door will be unlocked x

Harry set about cleaning his house and discarding the empty vodka bottles that lay in the bin. He took a shower and stayed there for longer than usual, the warm water wrapping around him like a protective shield from the outside world. He got out and brushed his teeth and blew his nose before entering the living room wearing nothing but a towel.

He jumped back when he found Olivia sitting on his couch, almost dropping the towel completely.

"You scared me," he said clutching his chest

"You left the door unlocked" Olivia replied

"Is it 12?" Harry asked looking around for a clock

"Quarter to" Olivia answered

Harry gave Olivia a feeble smile and excused himself into his room while he got changed into a pair of joggers and a jumper. He left his hair damp and dried it with a towel, leaving it spiking up in certain directions.

He entered the living room and suddenly felt a wave of nausea and nerves rush over him. He asked Olivia if she wanted a coffee which she accepted. The room was thick with tension, neither of the two knew who was going to speak first. Olivia played with a fraying hem on the end of her t-shirt and decided Harry should be the first one to speak.

"Liv, what you saw last night. I'm so sorry, I don't want to try to give excuses here, I fucked up. I was lonely and seeing you with that guy I just got really upset and angry and I thought well I'll do something to make her really upset and angry, which was childish I know. She came over, had a few drinks and one thing kind of led to another and ended up more than drinking. But I promise you nothing else happened other than the kiss and if it makes you feel any better I've had better kisses from my dog" he admitted

Olivia put her cup down on a coaster and took a breath in before replying "It's okay"

"What?" Harry said astounded

"It's okay. I shouldn't have expected you not to move on after everything and seeing me with Ben. Yeah, I'd probably do the same, I'm just hurt it was one of my friends and what I saw you guys doing. Harry, I thought it was all just jokes about the partying and stuff?" she said

"It is, I swear, it's just sometimes like at big events and stuff but it wasn't meant to be mad and Rachel asked so it all kind of spiralled" Harry rambled

Olivia gave him a sympathetic smile "I'm not here to judge you, if you look at most of my uni pictures my pupils are like dinner plates but just be careful yeah?"

Harry returned the weak smile and nodded "Why did you come over here last night? Like what happened with that Ben guy?"

Olivia retold the events of the night before she went to Harry's while looking at the floor, afraid to make eye contact with Harry.

"Jesus Liv what a prick. I'm so sorry, about everything" he sighed

"I finally opened your present" she mumbled

"Yeah, it's about time. I thought that you just ignored it, kind of done a number on me I won't lie" he said putting a hand to the back of his neck

"I'm sorry Harry. We both kinda fucked this didn't we" she sighed

"Yeah just a bit," he said running a hand through his drying hair

"Friends again for now?" Olivia asked

"I'm not gonna lie Liv. I don't think I can be friends with you. I care about you way too much and I know I'm about 5 years too late in saying this but all I want is to be more than friends with you. I don't think I can go back to being just friends. But I understand if that's a bit too much" he stuttered

Olivia chewed on the sides of her nails as she took in the words Harry just said

"I can't be your girlfriend just now Harry. I'm just out of a relationship and you said yourself it would be complicated" she worried

"It wouldn't though would it. We both can drive, we'll split time between Manchester and London. My friends would love you and I'm sure I could find a way to get your friends to like me. Please Liv, I was stupid not to see this before. I want to work at this with you, and we don't have to be officially going out just now. We can just like see how it goes you know?" he pleaded

Olivia moved onto her next nail thinking of finally getting everything she ever wanted with Harry and nodded slightly "Okay. We'll give it a try. But we need to have better communication than we did before and for the love of god please can we have no more of this trying to get back at each other"

Harry smiled widely "Deal"

The pair exchanged a hug and Harry kissed the top of Olivia's head

"I guess this means I need to unblock you on everything now" Olivia giggled

The two spent a few hours together, catching up over the past year. Olivia brought up that she was now doing editing full time for a magazine and writing columns on the side, she even ran the magazines website. Harry's youtube was doing amazing and the boys were all doing really well for themselves, he had just recently moved from his flat into a house with the two Cals and was eager for Olivia to come to visit. As time ticked on Olivia realised she had to get home and spend the rest of Christmas Eve with her family. She gave Harry a quick kiss on the cheek and waved him goodbye as she headed for the lift downstairs.

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