Chapter 21

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September 2020 

Harry and Olivia pulled up to Jess's house in silence. They had been arguing the full way about them moving to Guernsey and why he had ceased to look. 

"I can't spend all my time looking at houses Liv, I'm busy. And don't bring it up around my mum and dad seriously, that's another argument I'm not willing to have" he huffed 

"What and I'm not busy?" Liv scoffed, unbuckling her seatbelt 

"Yes we get it, you're writing a book," he said widening his eyes as if it was the millionth time he had heard it

"Sorry, we can't all get a bestseller just because we act like a tit on camera" she sneered 

"Maybe you should try it sometime, fuck me it's like being in a relationship with Hitler sometimes. You're 24 Liv, you're allowed to have fun"

"You did not just compare me to someone that committed genocide"

"I did, and I'll do it again," he said crossing his arms like a child

"Oh fuck off Harry seriously" she growled, slamming the door shut and walking up the path to Jess's door 

"That'll be the door then" Harry mumbled as he shut his gently

The moment Jess opened the door it was like a switch had been flicked in Olivias brain, she smiled warmly at the new mother and cuddled her. The covid restrictions in Guernsey had been completely relaxed and the only isolating they had to do what when they arrived. Jess welcomed them into her cosy home that had boxes and presents strewn around.

"You'll need to excuse the mess, we're still moving in," Jess said, blowing a strand of hair out of her face 

"I still can't believe Callum's aunt said that you could have her house" 

"We were so lucky. He's just round the back the now, I'll shout him in" 

Jess shouted round the back for Callum who appeared quickly, his face red from moving things. He shook Harry's hand and gave Olivia a polite hug and gestured them to the tiny 1-month-old being wriggling around in a little Moses basket making gurgling noises. Olivia and Harry peeked their head over and Olivia felt her eyes well up. 

"How did you two make something so cute?" Harry joked 

"Do you want to hold him Liv?" Jess asked picking up the tiny boy from his basket 

Olivia was speechless and nodded before sitting down on the couch, Jess placed him in her arms and made sure Olivia was supporting his head. 

"Hi Theo" Olivia cooed "I'm your auntie Liv" she said bouncing her leg slightly

Harry felt the anger he had just felt at Olivia melt away as he watched her hold this new life. 

"Do you want to Harry?" Jess asked, watching him stare 

"Nah, I'd probably drop him or something and he might end up as stupid as me" he joked 

The new parents shook their heads at each other before letting out a small chuckle. 

Jess got up and brought in cups of tea and the couples chatted about how they had been, with Theo just being born Jess and Callum had struggled to get any sleep and were constantly worried about people coming over but were more than happy for Olivia and Harry to come over as they weren't sure when they would've been able to see them again. 

"We wanted to ask you guys something actually" Callum said

Olivia put her cup down and cocked her head to one side in curiosity, almost like a dog

"Liv, you've been my best mate since I was like 4 and I know how much you and Harry adore each other, so we wanted to ask if you would be Theos god-parents?" Jess asked

Harry and Olivia looked at each other in shock "Yes, oh my god, of course! " they both said, Harry gave Jess a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek

"Does this mean I can be called the godfather? Like can I use this for clickbait?" Harry beamed

Callum put a palm to his face "Seriously we're picking him over Thomas?" 

 Olivia wiped her eyes after crying and asked Jess to take a picture of her, Harry and Theo. They took a few before Harry asked if he could take one of him holding Theo like Simba which Jess surprisingly said yes to as long as his head was supported well enough. Harry posted that one to his Instagram with the caption 'Meet my (god)son'.

When the two of them decided to go home Olivia sat in the car looking at the photos of the three of them. 

"I love him" she cooed 

"He's cute isn't he" Harry said moving the car into gear

"I can't believe they asked us to be his god-parents" she said, still awestruck

"Same, I mean I get you, but not me" Harry mumbled

"You'll be fine" Olivia said placing a hand on Harry's thigh 

"I'm sorry about earlier, I'm just stressed about the whole moving thing" he sighed

"It's okay, we don't need to talk about it, I'm sorry too" Olivia said 

"If seeing babies makes you this forgiving we should have one of our own" Harry joked raising his eyebrows 

"Yeah no, think I'll pass on that. I watched that video you know, also I'd rather be able to give one back" she cackled

"Glad we're on the same page," he said switching on the radio 

"We could always do the making part though. You know, just without actually making it" Olivia shrugged, her hand travelling further up Harry's leg

"Car or flat?" he flirted back

"How about both?" she propositioned

Harry drove the car to a secluded bit just on the inside of the road before the woods, he was certain there would be no cars driving by this late and even if they were hopefully they wouldn't see the car behind the bushes. 

Olivia giggled as she climbed into the backseat, kicking off her shoes and almost butting heads with Harry who no longer had the body he had when he was 18 and due to his going to the gym was now a lot musclier. Harry sat down on the back seat and pulled Olivia onto his lap. Kissing her deeply.

"I feel 18 again" he chuckled into the kiss 

"Is this what you meant by having more fun?" Olivia whispered into his ear before removing her button-up shirt. 

The windows steamed up and by the time the couple had finished Olivias hair clung to the back of her neck and the thin material of her shirt stuck to her body. Harry's cheeks were a dark crimson and they burst out laughing.

"You should get angry at me more often" he smirked, putting the window down to let the cool night air in

They drove home listening to their old playlist. Harry put on an Avicii song he knew Olivia loved and the pair sang along loudly to the music, forgetting their argument from earlier in the day. As they arrived back at the flat building they raced to the door, slamming it quickly behind them, Harry dragged Olivia into the bedroom. 

A/N - Kinda hate this chapter but imaging Harry around a child is so funny to me lmao 

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