Chapter 13

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A/N - I wanted to write a little sappy chapter so here we are.

October 2019

Things had been going surprisingly well with Olivia and Harry since they decided to become boyfriend and girlfriend and even better since Olivia had moved to London. It was everything she had ever dreamed of and more. Her career was going well and she found that Harry's friends had almost become like a second family to her. It was nice to see Harry doing so well. 

Harry unlocked Olivia's front door with his spare key and called out to her.

"Liv you in? I brought you in a meal deal"

"Yeah I'm in the bedroom, what crisps did you get me?"

"Uh. I ate them sorry"

"Prick," she said coming into the living room and giving Harry a quick kiss before taking her sandwich from him "How did the shoot go? What was it this time? Tinder again?" 

"Nah, speed dating. I ended up downing a bottle of champagne so my heads a bit wobbly now" 

"I'm glad I don't make you want to do that" Oliva laughed 

Harry lay back and rested his head on Olivias lap looking up at her with his big blue eyes and gave a tipsy half-smile.

"You're going to see my double chin sitting as that" Olivia said between mouthfuls of her sandwich 

"You don't have a double chin" He mumbled, turning away onto his side and turning on Netflix "The lads are having a few drinks at Josh and Freya's if you want to go? We don't have to obviously but since I've already started we may as well" 

"Sounds good yeah, just let me send away some work and I'll start getting ready. What's the vibe, casual? dressy?" 

"Liv it's us, you could show up in a pair of waders and I don't think anyone would notice for at least an hour or two"

"Jeans and a hoodie it is. Can I wear your childish one?" 

"No. That's mine"

"Ours" she corrected

Olivia finished up her work for the day and started getting ready. By the time she was finished Harry lay sleeping on the couch, snoring slightly. Olivia chucked a pillow at him to wake him up. Harry jumped suddenly and slipped off the couch onto the rug below. 

"Liv you dick" 

"Wakey wakey. C'mon Harold lets go" 

They arrived at Josh and Freya's and were greeted with hugs and handshakes. Tobi who Olivia had grown very close with gave her a tight hug. 

"Where you been man, we thought boggo had been hiding you away or something"

"Been so busy with work, this new job is seriously stressful. But it means I can be here so I don't really mind" she said, glancing over to Harry who sat chatting with Talia and Simon 

"Got to respect that," Tobi said putting his hands up 

The group sat on the couch and Josh suggested they play some of the clips from the shoot today that had been sent over. When they got everything set up on the tv they clicked play. The clips were hilarious and the boys found themselves howling all over again at the things they had all said and done. Harry's comments made Olivia giggle. After they had finished watching the clips Harry leaned over and whispered into Olivia's ear.

"I didn't want to try cause I knew I was coming home to you"

Olivia squeezed his hand quickly and got up to pour a drink, chatting with the girls 

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