Chapter 5

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September 2014 

Olivias birthday had come and gone and Harry had kept his promise of spending time with her before he had to go to London, they had spent almost every day he was in Guernsey for the last month together and when it came to the day that Harry was set to move, Olivia was there too. 

Harry had packed all his things and was ready to go but Olivia was nowhere to be seen. 

"Come on lad, we need to go," his dad said tapping the roof of the car filled with boxes.

"Give me another 5 minutes yeah? Liv said she was on her way" 

His parents exchanged knowing looks at one another as Harry dialled her number for the fifth time. She had texted him 15 minutes ago to tell him that she had left but she had still not shown. He was about to get into the car when he saw her running down the street, he laughed at the sight of her, a pair of Adidas trainers, some shorts, a t-shirt that was definitely shrunk in the wash as it clung to her chest and her hair in messy waves. She had no makeup on but Harry didn't mind, he almost always preferred seeing her without makeup anyway. She always looked beautiful no matter what. She slowed down before reaching the driveway and took a moment to get her breath.

"Jamies... car... broke... down... had... to... run" she breathed 

Harry couldn't help but burst into fits of laughter before wrapping her into a tight hug

"Go smash it yeah," she said looking up at him and handing him a framed photo of the two of them

"You too kid, text you when I get there okay? I'll facetime you and show you the new flat" he promised before letting her go and heading toward the car

Olivia felt as though her heart had been ripped out and stamped on as she watched the car door open and Harry get in. He clicked his seatbelt into place and waved at Olivia, his mother and his siblings, his dad in the car with him to help him with the move. Olivia bit her lip trying not to cry before waving off Harry as the car pulled out the driveway, she bid goodbye to Harry's family and once she got around the corner she pulled out her phone, there were two notifications from Harry, one text and one Instagram.

Haz x - 14:38 

Don't miss me too much :) 

His Instagram was a picture of the frame Olivia had given him with the caption 'Going to miss my best mate. LONDON BABY' Olivia stared at the screen and felt the tears well up in her eyes, she was going to miss him so much. 

A few weeks had passed and now it was Olivia's turn to move, her bedroom was filled with boxes and she snapped a picture to put on her Snapchat with the caption 'Bye room :(' seconds after it was posted Harry swiped up to it saying "So this is what your bedroom looks like. Interesting" she rolled her eyes and put her phone down on the bed. She had hardly spoken to Harry over the past few weeks as he had been busy moving in and she had been busy moving out and although she had half expected this to happen she still felt a pang of sadness over it. 

Lifting her last box downstairs she wiped the sweat off her forehead with the back of her arm. Her dad had packed up a van with her things and was ready to get the ferry and drive down to Manchester. It was early morning and it would take them 8 hours to get there, so Olivia filled her Spotify with songs she could listen to for the time period. Many of the songs were from the playlist titled 'Haz n Livs summer driving tunes' and made her think of happier times when Harry was still here and would park down the road for her to avoid any suspicion from her parents but the whole street was able to hear the dance music blasting from his car. 

Olivia gave her mother and father a hug, Jamie was driving her down due to her dads work commitments and mums lack of license, so as they loaded into the car Jean gave her daughter a kiss and told her to text her when she got there safe. Her dad squeezed her into a tight hug and gave her a kiss on the forehead. 

Inside the car, Jamie was beeping the horn to signify to hurry up 

"You're going to miss the ferry if you don't move" he called from the driver's seat.

Together the siblings drove off toward Olivia's new life and as she put her earphones in and played the tracks on her playlist. She knew there was one part that she wouldn't be able to leave behind.  

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