Chapter 46

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Currently, Naruto and Sasuke were sitting in the council meeting.

"Members of the council, as you have been told, the mission to bring back Tsunade Senju of the sannin assigned to Jiraiya of the sannin and Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze has been successful," said Hiruzen.

"Hokage sama, if I am not mistaken, an Uzumaki was also brought back," said a civilian member.

"Yes. Why do you ask?" asked Hiruzen.

"Sir, I say CRA should be applied on her," said another member.

"Not in a million years," said Naruto.

"You cannot deny the laws of Konoha," said the first civilian.

"With all due respect fellow councilmen, as you might have noticed, that the said Uzumaki is not the sole Uzumaki in Konoha, so the law does not apply on her," said Mebuki Haruno, a civilian council member.

"Exactly. So this matter will not be discussed again," said Hiruzen, as Naruto shot a look of gratitude towards Sakura's mom, who smiled.

"Now the matter of concern. All those in favor of making Tsunade Senju the fifth Hokage of the village hidden in the leaf," said Hiruzen, and all hands went up.

"All right. Since tomorrow, Tsunade Senju will take the position as the Hokage of Konoha," said Hiruzen, happily, finally free of paperwork.

'I was too old for this shit,' thought Hiruzen.

"Hokage sama, I would like to have a discussion about the assets owned by Uzumaki clan, and the old businessmen family Namikaze in Konoha," said Sasuke.

"Huh?" asked Naruto.

"About 30% of the land in Konoha is owned by Uzumaki and Namikaze clan. Until now, the rent was going to the council, but it is only fair for it to now go to the Uzumaki and Namikaze heir Naruto," said Shikaku.

"That indeed is true. What I don't understand is how it was going to the Shinobi council. It was supposed to go to the betterment of the Konoha," said Hiruzen.

"I speculate that it was used by Danzo to maintain root and to a certain civilian council member," said Shikaku as he shot a glare to a wealthy businessman, the same one who wanted Karin to be put under CRA.

"Investigation will be made, meanwhile, reroute all the money to the account of Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze," said Hiruzen.

"Hai Hokage sama," said one of the Anbu.


Hinata and the other nine of the group were currently gathered in training ground 9.

"Hey everyone, this is Naruto's sister, Karin Uzumaki," said Hinata.

"He has a sister!" gasped Kiba.

"Well, technically cousin, but yeah," said Hinata.

"H-hello, my name is Karin Uzumaki," she said.

"Hi, I am Neji Hyuga, Hinata sama's cousin," said Neji.

"Neji nii san, please, I told you many times, don't call me sama," said Hinata.

"Hello, I am Rock Lee!" said Lee enthusiastically.

"I am Shikamaru Nara," said Shikamaru.

"I know you! You were one of those who rescued me," said Karin happily.

"Yeah. Battling so many people was troublesome, but anything for a friend," said Shikamaru, and Ino bonked him on the head.

"Hi, I am Ino Yamanaka."

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