Chapter 6

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So you have finally found this. This is the sword that I used during the war. No one but you can wield this. This sword has some of my chakra. I will not tell you anything more as it will ruin the fun. Be safe and become a great shinobi.
Your mom,
Kushina Uzumaki

Naruto read and reread the letter, letting every word sink.

"Thanks, mom," said Naruto. He then pulled the hilt and found himself in a completely different surrounding.

"Where am I?" said Naruto.

"Who has dared to use me, Amaya, the senti... Hi kid," she said as she quickly changed her tone from threatening to chirpy.

"Who are you?" asked Naruto.

"It's rude to ask someone else's name without telling yours," said Amaya.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki, and I am going to be a Hokage someday," yelled Naruto.

"Hokage sama, my name is Amaya and I am a sentient sword," said Amaya jokingly.

"This is the second time someone has mocked me on this," muttered Naruto.

"So why have you tried to unsheathe me?" asked Amaya.

"Actually, you are my mom's sword and I read her letter, so I thought I should take a look," said Naruto.

"Oh, so you are that Naruto! Anyways, to wield me you need to prove your worth to me," said Amaya.

"Okay," yelled Naruto excitedly.

"Let's start," said Amaya.

"Wind Release: vacuum wave," yelled Naruto.

"Ah, using strong jutsu from the start. How do you even know these?" asked Amaya.

"Dad's scrolls," said Naruto.

They both clashed and clashed, using jutsu after jutsu. Naruto then started the taijutsu style he had made.

"Your own taijutsu style! I am impressed," said Amaya.

"Thanks. I call it flying monkey, as this is mostly jumping and quick actions like monkeys, and most of the moves are done with the body in the air," said Naruto.

"Cool style but shit name," said Amaya.

"Oh really? Shadow clone jutsu," said Naruto as multiple Naruto appeared He then swept at her legs, causing her to stumble as a shadow clone launched her into the air using his legs.

"NARUTO BARRAGE!" yelled Naruto as many shadow clones hit her in the air.

After a few moments, the clones dissipated and Amaya hit the ground.

"That was a lot of clones. And the move was awesome too. Though the name was shitty as usual. But you pass the test," said Amaya.

"Are you my mom's chakra?" asked Naruto.

"Yes. I even look like her," said Amaya.

"Thanks," he said.

"Well, now you need to go. Kurama's calling you for a moment now," said Amaya.

"How will I talk to you?" asked Naruto.

"Just like Kurama, I will be a voice in your head," she said.

"KID!" yelled Kurama as Naruto stirred.

"Stop yelling! What happened?" asked Naruto.

"You weren't responding," said Kurama.

"Well I was having a match with a sentient sword to prove my worth," said Naruto.

"Please say it wasn't Amaya!" pleaded Kurama.

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