Chapter 18

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It was night time and Kakashi was reading his Icha Icha, enjoying the peace.

"Ne, Naruto, are you just here to stare at me, or will you say something?" he said without taking his eyes off the book to Naruto, who was sitting on the window sill.

"Well... sensei... I have taken a student," said Naruto, and Kakashi was surprised.

"Wait, you have taken a student?" asked Kakashi, unable to believe that.

"Yeah, Konohamaru," said Naruto sheepishly.

"That's great," said Kakashi with an eye smile.

"Yeah, but I don't know a single thing about teaching. I only made him do regular stuff today," said Naruto.

"Well, when I started teaching you, I didn't know anything either," said Kakashi with a chuckle.

"Wait really?" asked Naruto.

"Yeah. In fact, I learned how to teach by teaching you," said Kakashi scratching the back of his neck.

"Wow, didn't seem so. I thought you were like a trained teacher," said Naruto.

"You do know that there is no training for teaching here?" asked Kakashi with a deadpan.

"I do, but you and Ero sennin are just too good of a teacher," said Naruto.

"Thanks, Naruto. However, you know, I think you'd be an even better teacher than us," said Kakashi.

"You do?"

"Yeah, totally. It's just something about you that makes people want to follow you. Maybe it's the fact that while you claim big things, those aren't just empty words. Or the fact that you never back down from your words. Or the ease everyone feels around you. It's something, which makes people want to place their bets upon you," Kakashi said solemnly.

"Ne sensei, you might make me cry today," said Naruto.

"Anyways, good luck," said Kakashi.

"Yeah. Also, get better, I want to learn Nature manipulation from you," said Naruto.

"From me?"

"I mean, even though Asuma sensei has Wind release like me, but the thing is that you have lightning, and also the fact that your technique is so good that you waste the least amount of chakra when using an elemental jutsu. I need to get as much control as I can on this to merge it with Rasengan. So when I come back, we are going to do that," said Naruto.

"Alright," said Kakashi with an eye smile, and Naruto disappeared in a flash.

"Wait, come back from where?"


Hiashi Hyuga couldn't sleep. He just couldn't trust Naruto.

Now don't get him wrong, he adored that boy since he was a kid. He didn't show that much, but he had a soft spot for him.

However, he just didn't think that Naruto and Hinata, who were currently sleeping together in her room, cuddling, would be able to resist the urge to do... that. 

How could he? They were two hormonal teenagers, who were in love. And they were sleeping with each other. In the same bed. Cuddling! 

He was really against the idea, but Hitome had convinced him.

"They are now chunin and thus adults, it's up to them what they want to do. If they do that, then it's okay, they are mature enough to understand what they want."

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