Chapter 32

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The day of the Chunin Exam was here. Konohamaru approached the Sunagakure Ninja Academy, which resembled a large Colosseum, divided into floors.

'Hm... the exam is supposed to be on the top floor, so let's get going,' he thought before taking in a deep breath.

"Ne Kono, just relax," came a voice from behind him startling him.

"AAH! Bo- S-sensei..." 

"Relax, despite what everyone else says, this is not as difficult as everyone says. Barring my year's Chunin exam, most of the deaths during them happen in the second phase and is usually due to triggering traps due to nervousness or fear. People perform less efficiently when scared or nervous, so take a deep breath. You are more than prepared for it, and you're gonna kill it, ya know," Naruto said as Konohamaru nodded.

"Right, Sensei! I've gotta prove you right!" he said with a smile, remembering the faith Naruto showed in him.

With that, he walked into the center, going to the staircase.

When he started climbing, he noticed that even after taking many steps, he wasn't much farther from where he was. Many people who were alongside him were already tired and sitting.

"These stairs are moving backward! It's impossible to climb these, no matter how fast one goes!"

'Are these guys... stupid?' was the only thing Konohamaru thought, before applying chakra to his feet and trying to scale the wall, only to be blasted off of the wall.

'... What?'

He then looked around, trying to find some kind of mechanism to get to the top, as many others tried the same method as he did, only to fail miserably.

"What's the trick... there has to be something," he muttered, trying to do his best to think of a plan.

He then tried to shunshin to the top, but that too failed as the stairs flattened, making him fall.

'Hmm... the walls are a no-go, the stairs aren't stairing, so that leaves the ceiling,' he thought before jumping onto the ceiling trying to stick to it, and succeeding.

"Wait... so that's it? Pretty lame, I heard it was Genjutsu during Boss's exam..." he muttered before starting to walk.

However, he soon took back the statement, as he had to walk seven floors while upside down. THAT was not pleasant, and his head was slightly spinning.

'Don't throw up, don't throw up!'

"You too are queasy?" asked Daiki as he put his hand on Konohamaru's shoulder.

"You too?"

"Yes," he said, looking green.

"Tch, weaklings," said Misa walking next to them as Daiki's eyes twitched.

"Didn't you just come back after throwing up?" he asked, his hand still on Konohamaru's shoulder.

"Wha- I did not!" she said with a blush, clearly lying.

"Really? I guess then your mouth just naturally reeks of vomit," he retorted as Misa turned red in embarrassment.

"While this is amusing to watch, how about we calm ourselves, and not fight before the exam even starts?" proposed Asahi, clearly enjoying the chaos.

"I concur," Daiki said, sitting down.

Konohamaru just smiled, remembering the events that occurred a few days ago.


Asahi, Mira, and Daiki were fanboying over Naruto, as Kurotsuchi sweatdropped.

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