Chapter 12

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Kakashi had failed to neutralize Deidara, but now Deidara had lost both his arms and was thus defenseless.

"WIND RELEASE: WIND OF GOD!" Naruto yelled as Deidara was pushed back.

Naruto and Lee quickly jumped and started running towards Gaara. 

By now Neji, Tenten, Shikamaru, Chiyo, Guy, and Sakura had started catching up and were following Naruto, Lee, and Kakashi.

Deidara was seen lying on the ground with his bird next to him.

Naruto quickly went to the bird and opened the bubble made out of clay in which Gaara was. He quickly checked his pulse.

"He has a pulse! But it's weak. Sakura-chan," said Naruto as Sakura rushed to him.

Sakura was performing medical ninjutsu with Naruto supporting her using the Kyubi's chakra.

'He keeps talking about eternal beauty and art and goes die like this. He was too confident and kept his weakness out in the open. Well, from my standpoint, it's an end befitting of an artist,' thought Deidara, hiding in the bush.

He then turned to see Shikamaru standing with Neji and Tenten.

"There's no escaping now," Shikamaru said.

"I see, this is Byakugan. I would love to stay and compare it to Itachi's Sharingan, but..."

'I must think of a way to escape.'


Sakura was administrating her medical ninjutsu on Gaara when they all heard clangs, like that of two kunai clashing. Then all of a sudden Deidara surrounded by Neji, Shikamaru, and Tenten appeared.

Deidara quickly went next to his bird and bit a bit of his clay and started chewing it.

"Stay back!" yelled Naruto. 

Shikamaru tried to bind him using his shadow, but his chakra was too low so he couldn't use Shadow Possession.

'DAMN IT!' he mentally cursed.

"Art is an explosion," said Deidara as he started to swell up weirdly.

'His chakra is being concentrated at one single point. What is he trying to do?' thought Neji as Deidara swelled up a little more.

Kakashi getting what was happening tried to use his Mangekyou once again but was stopped by Naruto who put his hand on his shoulder.

As Deidara exploded Naruto quickly started doing a few handsigns as kanji started to flow from his foot in the direction of the blast way faster than the explosion was spreading. In even under a second, the kanji had made a circle with four diameters passing through it.

The next second, the center of the circle warped and started to absorb the blast as the others stopped running and looked back at it.

They were all astounded, and no one said anything for a moment until a loud boom was heard from the direction of the base.

"AAH WHAT THE FUCK!" yelled Shikamaru, only to see a big explosion where the base once was.




"That was fucking amazing," came the weak voice of Gaara.

"GAARA!" gasped Naruto and Shikamaru.

"Naru chan," said Gaara with a smirk.

"Why is that the emo people like you, Neji, and some others become way too sarcastic and annoying when they're in prolonged contact with me?" asked Naruto.

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