Chapter 4

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Tsunade and others had just seen Naruto touch some kind of tattoo on his hand and then make a weird hand sign, and the next moment they both were covered in a big ball of chakra.

"What is happening?" asked Karin, confused. It had been a few minutes and no one had come out.

"Is this the strongest move Jiraiya told me about?" asked Tsunade to no one.

"It's a big dome of chakra. Unless there is something else inside, it can't be his strongest move," said Shikamaru in deep thought.

The next second the dome dropped, and they all found Naruto standing and Kakashi on the ground with cuts, bruises, and burns.

"You should have given up sensei! That was reckless ya know," said Naruto.

"I k-know," said Kakashi weakly.

"What the fuck!" gasped the Konohamaru squad and Hanabi.

"I am letting it slide this time," said Hinata glaring at Hanabi, but then she turned to Naruto.

"But really, what the fuck?" she said.

Naruto helped Kakashi get up and they both walked to Tsunade, with Naruto supporting Kakashi.

"I swear you're sometimes even more stubborn than me ya know," growled Naruto.

"Naruto what was that?" asked Tsunade.

"A move made by me, Gaara, and you know who," said Naruto.

"Who's you know who?" asked Sakura.

"One of Ero sennin's spies," said Naruto. It wasn't a lie.

"Oh. But what was that?" asked Sakura with excitement.

"It was a complex mixture of fuinjutsu and genjutsu coupled with chakra dome," said Naruto.

"How does it work?" asked Tsunade.

"Using a chakra projection seal, I project a dome of chakra around me. I took the idea from Haku and that sound ninja who trapped us in the earth dome. 

Then I use space-time ninjutsu to make a pseudo dimension inside the dome manipulating the physical features and the space inside it. Then, I combine the space-time ninjutsu with a physical genjutsu like you use Baa chan, making my own personal domain. 

Finally, a bunch of chakra seals and restriction seals come into play. Among them is a seal I call lock-on. That is a seal if put on a person makes sure that the next his is a 100% accuracy," said Naruto.

"All the seals are combined and this is the final product," said Naruto as he showed a seal on his hand. 

"Whoa, this is small and extremely complex," said Karin as she studied the seal. It had many different seals combined and overlaid, and it would use a lot of chakra to use this.

"Now this move like all others has some weaknesses. The chakra dome while extremely difficult to break from inside, much less without chakra, is brittle from outside. Second, it takes a lot of chakra. Someone with my chakra level can use it seven times without the tailed beast chakra in a day. That means no more than once for someone of Kakashi's caliber or the chakra left will be extremely less rendering him useless in fights. Gaara can do it four times without Shukaku's help," said Naruto.

"And also someone with Taijutsu expertise to the level of Guy or Lee could theoretically break out if I or the user is unable to kill them," said Naruto thoughtfully.

"Anything else?" asked Shikamaru, mentally noting the details.

"Nope. The only limitation is one's imagination. 

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