Chapter 2

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Dog, the Anbu, with Hiashi Hyuga and Hitome Hyuga, was rushing towards where Hokage had told him to go. He had heard that the forbidden scroll was stolen.

From a distance, he saw a girl, barely 6, coming with the scroll on her back.

"Hinata!" yelled Hiashi and Hitome, as they rushed towards her.

"Save... Naruto," she said as she fainted.

Hiashi and Hitome were confused, however, dog's heart sank.

He ran towards the direction from where Hinata had come.

Hiashi and Hitome decided to follow him.


Mizuki took the giant shuriken from his back and flung it.

'I guess this is the end for me,' thought Iruka.

Before it could leave his hand, however, a yellow blur kicked him in the stomach, and he was sent flying, and the shuriken missed the target.

"NARUTO!" yelled Iruka.

"If you ever lay a hand on Iruka sensei or Hinata, I will kill you," said Naruto.

The ambassador laughed.

"What will a kid like you do?" he asked.

"SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" yelled Naruto, as almost a hundred Naruto appeared.

"NARUTO UZUMAKI BARRAGE!" he yelled, as he kicked the ambassador in the air. The rest of Naruto hit him continuously from above, causing him to faint.

Due to chakra exhaustion, the clones then vanished as Naruto went down to his foot, panting.

"IF I AM DEFEATED, I WILL TAKE YOU WITH ME IRUKA!" yelled Mizuki as he hurled the other giant shuriken at Iruka Before it could hit him, however, Naruto came in between and took the full brunt.

"NARUTO! WHY?" yelled Iruka.

"Iruka sensei, I am sorry. Please take care of Hinata and others. Tell the old man that I am sorry. And... thank you Iruka sensei."

Dog and others had arrived just in time to see Naruto saving Iruka and getting hit by the shuriken.

"NARUTO!" yelled Hinata. She heard what he said to Iruka.

But dog was livid with anger. He grabbed his mask and removed it.

"YOU. KILLED. NARUTO!" he said with venom in his voice. His grip on the mask increased so much that it broke into pieces. Dog had a mask that covered most of his face, including his eye. His hair was silver and pointed to the sky.

"K-K-Kakashi the copy ninja!" stuttered Mizuki as Kakashi dashed towards him.

"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HIM!" he yelled as he kicked and punched him continuously.


Naruto woke up in a dark place, somewhat similar to a sewer.

He looked around and saw a large cage. He started walking towards it.

"So finally the jailer meets the prisoner," came a deep voice.

"W-who are you?" asked Naruto.

"I am Kyuubi no kitsune, the nine-tailed fox," he said as he came into the view.

"Am I dead?" asked Naruto, confused.

"No, we are in your mind," he said.

"So, what's your name," asked Naruto.

Never in a million years had he expected that question. He had expected him to scream and accuse him of killing people and then would have called him a monster, the reason for all his problems.

"It's rude to ask someone else's name before telling your own," said Kyuubi.

"Oh my name is Naruto Uzumaki, and I am going to become a Hokage someday!" he yelled excitedly.

"Alright, Hokage sama. I am Kurama, the nine-tailed beast. Six years ago, I was ripped from my old Jinchuriki and then put under a genjutsu to attack the village. Then I was sealed into you," he said.

"Wait so the attack wasn't yours!" he gasped.

"No," he said with a raised eyebrow. Never in his whole life had anyone other than the sage of the six paths had talked to him for so long without accusing him.

"Then you are as much as a victim like me. In fact, more. You are stuck in me, with nothing to do and no one to talk to," said Naruto in a soft tone. Kuram was shocked was an understatement. No one had ever sympathized with him. He tried to check in Naruto's eyes if there was uncertainty or anger in his eyes, but there was just sincerity. He chuckled.

"Brat! Don't feel sorry for me. I am Kurama, the boss of the fox summons, the king of tailed beasts," said Kurama in a booming voice. Naruto didn't say anything as he jumped on his paw, hugging him.

"Your fur is so soft!" yelled Naruto with stars in his eyes.

"OYE! Stop treating me like a pillow," yelled Kurama.

"Please?" asked Naruto with puppy dog eyes, which even Kurama found difficult to resist.

'What is this boy! Making me go soft. I am the king of the tailed beast,' he thought. But after some time, he sighed and relented.

"So, can you tell me what happened?" asked Naruto.

"I am not the best person to tell you," said Kurama. But then his face brightened.

"Kid, try opening the seal," said Kurama.

"Why? Do you want to come out? Will you take over my body? Do you hate me too?" asked Naruto.

Every other question was fine, but the last one pierced through his heart. He knew what hatred was. But in his childhood, he had received a lot of love and care from his brothers and sisters. But Naruto was parentless. He never received a mother's love or a father's care. He was hated by everyone. For the first time in his life, he felt sorry for someone.

"HEY! Even though they call me a monster, even I can't resist your puppy dog eyes. And no, I don't hate you. Just try," he said.

Naruto rose to the seal and put his hand over the paper. Before he could tear it, however, a hand stopped his.

"Now you will get all the answers," said Kurama.

Naruto looked to his right, and what he saw blew his mind away.


Kakashi had beaten Mizuki senseless. Mizuki was now laying on the ground, with bleeding all over.

Meanwhile, Iruka checked Naruto's injuries and pulse.

"He has a pulse! If we can just stop the bleeding, he will have a chance to survive," said Iruka.

"Leave it to me," said Hiashi as he bent and using his Byakugan, pressed the chakra points which increased the chakra flow to the injured part. This caused the wound to heal faster and caused the bleeding to stop.

Before Kakashi could deliver the killing blow, Hiruzen arrived.

"STOP KAKASHI!" he yelled.

Kakashi stopped and then muttered, "I am sorry sensei I couldn't protect your son."

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