Chapter 27

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Itachi and Sasuke were locked in a staring match as Bee quickly ran towards Kisame.

"WHAT! HOW DID THEY FIND US SO FAST?" yelled Hidan as Sasuke smirked in a menacing way.

"Don't think about that, you won't find that ever," he said as he shot towards Itachi who activated his Mangekyou Sharingan.

'He's fast!' he thought as he dodged Sasuke's attacks.

"Chidori!" he yelled as he slashed towards Itachi, who burst into a bunch of crows, but Sasuke just smirked.

The next moment he threw a bunch of kunai attached to strings and controlled it to go after the crows.

"Fire release: Fire Dragon Bullet!" yelled Sasuke as he shot a fire dragon out of his mouth.

"MUD WALL!" yelled Itachi as he slammed his hand on the ground.

Sasuke encased his hand in lightning as he went in for a punch, but Itachi easily dodged.

As for Killer Bee, he had his eight swords out as he engaged with Kisame in hand-to-hand combat, sending Kisame back flying by a flick with Eight Tail's tail.

"Finally, a worthy opponent! OUR BATTLE WILL BE LEGENDARY!" yelled Kisame with a grin as Killer Bee just jumped and started spinning.

Kisame jumped towards him as their swords clashed, but he was pushed back by the overpowered tailed beast Beyblade thingy.

While all this was happening, suigetsu walked up to where the Akatsuki was extracting the tailed beast from Yugito.

'Hm... they're all Holograms or something. What should I do, will it work if they can't see... wait, the hands! I need to destroy the hands,' he thought as he sighed.

'Water Release: Hidden mist jutsu,' he thought as the next moment mist covered the whole area.

"HUH? What happened? I thought Kisame and Itachi were keeping them busy," said Hidan.

"Now's my chance," muttered Suigetsu as he took out a sword and stabbed it at a finger of the statue.

"AAH! WHAT HAPPENED!" yelled a guy in pain, as Suigetsu stabbed another finger.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING! WHY AM I FEELING PAIN!" yelled another figure concealed in the hidden mist jutsu.

'So they feel pain when they're connected to the statue,' he thought as he smiled deviously, his shark-like teeth visible.

'Wind Release: Wind Cutter jutsu!' he thought as multiple wind blades came out of his mouth hitting each and every finger as everyone except Pain yelled in pain.

"FOCUS! WE NEED THE TAILED BEAST!" yelled Pain, but it was of no use, as that much of a distraction was enough as the blue aura surrounding Yugito disappeared and Suigetsu grabbed her and jumped away.

As for Sasuke and Itachi, they once again locked eyes, going into another dimension.

"So... how have you been?" asked Sasuke and Itachi chuckled.

"I've been rather fine. Things have been pretty interesting lately. From Naruto's jutsu to you almost killing Kakuzu, I'd go as far as to say that I'm having fun," Itachi told him as Sasuke looked at him weirdly.

"... What?"

"This is the longest sentence I've heard you speak," Sasuke commented as Itachi rolled his eyes.

"And your face shows emotions, that's new," Sasuke added with a smirk.

"Itachi just deadpanned as Sasuke became serious.

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