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"DREAM! Stop this...idiot!! HE'S KILLING ME!" I screamed into my mic.

"Wah, wah. Calling for Dream to come and save you again, huh?" Sapnap teased. "Just fight back, pussy."

"Language," I heard Bad mutter in the background.

"I'm reading donations George, just wait," Dream said absentmindedly, tired from streaming for the past couple of hours.


GeorgeNotFound was slain by Sapnap.

"HAHA, LOSER," Sapnap yelled.

"Why are you so annoying," I groaned. It'll take me weeks to get all my stuff back, and knowing Sapnap, he'll probably try to blackmail me with it.

Dream spoke over us. "Okay, bye everyone! Thanks for coming to the stream, I love you guys. Sorry for the missed donos, next time I'll......"

I sighed and leaned back in my chair, exhausted. I heard Dream's stream end.

"Alright, bye. I'm pretty tired, I'm going to bed," I yawned. We all said our goodbyes, and I left the call. It was 5am in London, and even though my sleep schedule was already horrible, this was pretty late for me.

I got up out of my chair, grabbed my heat suppressants, and went to get a glass of water. It was a pain in the ass, taking these at the start of every month, but if I didn't I wouldn't be able to function at all.

Being an Omega really sucks, especially because I'm a male. Female Omegas are already pretty rare, so an Alpha would be lucky to find one. A male Omega is practically unheard of. If I ever stumbled upon a gay group of Alphas, and they found out, I'd probably get ripped to shreds.

I popped a heat suppressant in my mouth and took a gulp of water, and flopped down on my bed. It sucked, but at least my job let me stay indoors, where it's safe.

Omegas who went out daily usually took scent suppressants, to hide from Alphas. Being raped was way more likely as an Omega. The worst part was that once an Alpha mated an Omega, that Omega was legally their property, much like a wife used to be to their husbands in the 1800s. An Omega's biology would automatically bind them to that Alpha for life, and so almost all of us hid our scents.

That's just the world we live in, I guess.

I drifted off to sleep.


I was sitting in a call with Dream, editing a thumbnail for a video. I couldn't stop laughing at Dream's stupid wheeze.

"LOOK AT IT-" he let out a wheeze as he dragged the dumb smiley face over the horse.

"Dream... stop, I can't breathe."

He wheezed again and dragged a picture of Sapnap's face, onto its face. I couldn't hold it in, and burst out laughing again.

After a minute or two, we calmed down a bit. I could hear his quiet giggling every couple seconds, but we could breathe again. I didn't know why, but Dream's laugh was the most infectious I've ever heard.

We were just about done the thumbnail now, with only a couple small tweaks to make.

"Hey, George, are you free next week?" He suddenly asked.

I was a little startled. "Uh, probably, why?"

"My parents are going away for a week to celebrate their anniversary, and I get the house all to myself. Sapnap and Bad are both busy, so I thought I'd ask if you wanna come."

I was quiet for a moment. "You mean, fly over to Florida for a week? And meet up?"


"And see your face? Actually?" Believe it or not, Dream still hasn't shown me his face. It's just ridiculous at this point.

"I guess there's no way around it, so yeah. This is as good of a chance as we'll ever get. It'll just be us."

I felt my cheeks go a little warm. Just us. It was fine being in a call with Dream alone, but for a week in his house? I don't know if I could handle that. I'd never even seen the man's face before, and his voice already made butterflies swarm up in my stomach a little. Of course, I'd never admit it to anyone, especially not the fans; they'd never let me live it down. I don't even wanna know what Dream would think of me.

"Uhh, sure. Should I buy a ticket?" I asked hesitantly. Was this a bad idea? What if he found out? I already get flustered really easily on streams, and that's just from his voice. What would it be like, being in the same room as him, seeing his face?

"I already got you one, while you were zoning out. Here, I sent it to you."

"Wha- Dream! I could've paid for myself."

"It's fine, I'm the one who invited you. You can buy your return flight ticket, if it makes you feel better."

I huffed and bought myself a flight back, a week later.

We finished up the thumbnail, and ended the call. Apparently Dream had to pick up his sister, or something.

I was a little shaken up by the sudden planning. It was just now hitting me for real; I was going to Florida. I was gonna see Dream, in the flesh.

I started imagining what he might look like, what he might smell like, how tall he actually was. It was hard to put a face on the voice I'd been friends with for years. Part of me was worried about other things. What if we didn't get along, in real life? What if it was awkward?

I was so caught up in my dumb little crush on Dream, that I'd completely forgotten the fact that I was an Omega. And I wouldn't realize that I should've been more careful, until it was already too late.

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