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I couldn't comprehend what was happening right now. Dream's lips were soft and warm against mine, and his hand moved to the back of my neck and pulled me closer. I panicked a bit and tried to pull away, but his hand didn't move an inch.

Eventually he let go and I took a few short breaths, staring at him. I never really appreciated his eyes until now. They were beautiful, even if I couldn't see the green...

Wait, this was not the time to think about this. Dream had just kissed me, out of nowhere, and we were both tired out of our minds right now.

"C'mon," he mumbled, and tried to pull me down into his bed. He lifted the blanket up for me to get in.

"Dream, this is your room. Mine is over there," I shakily replied, still out of breath from the shock. I tried to walk away, figuring I'd confront him about the kiss tomorrow, but he grabbed my arm and dragged me back, and I fell practically on top of him.

He threw the blanket over me and pulled me up to him by the waist. He stuck his chin on my head and sighed contently.

"Sleep," he mumbled. I felt my eyes start to droop shut.

Fuck it, I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep. I'll deal with this in the morning.


I opened my eyes slowly. It was warm, and smelled nice. The first thing I noticed was the sunlight streaming in through a window, straight into my eyes. I groaned and tried to move, and then groaned again at how sore my arms were.

The second thing I noticed was that there was a huge idiot holding me hostage in his bed. I tried to push Dream off, to no avail. He grumbled in protest. I looked at the clock, it read 11:46 am.

"I have to pee," I complained. "Get off, nimrod."

He proceeded to pull me tighter against him and shove his face into my neck, and took a deep breath in. "You smell nice without your medicine."

For some reason, that jolted my brain awake, and I remembered what had happened yesterday, including the kiss.

"Dream!" I shouted, startling him awake. "What the hell was that for, last night?"

He looked a little annoyed at all the noise. "What do you mean?"

I blushed. "You kissed me."

"Yeah." How was he so calm?


He looked at me a little strangely. "I can't think of very many reasons someone would kiss another person," he drawled sarcastically, as he sat up in bed.

I stared at him, extremely confused at how he wasn't freaking out. "Huh?"

He rolled his eyes. "George, I like you. I wanted to tell you yesterday, but I guess I pussied out and kissed you instead."

I was processing too much information right now, but suddenly I noticed a hot feeling start to crawl under my skin. It felt like... no, it couldn't be.

Apparently Dream noticed it, too, because he sat up a little straighter and sniffed the air.

My eyes widened as I realized what it was. When an Omega got too close to an Alpha, for too long, there was a chance they would go into an automatic heat, no matter the time of the month. And by "close," I mean right up against them, which is where I'd been with Dream, all last night.

It was only mild right now, but I immediately started getting up, away from him. I figured he would be able to control himself, but I needed to go get my suppressants.

I wasn't expecting it when he pushed me down onto my back, onto the bed. I looked up, alarmed, but he didn't look out of it at all. Instead, he looked firm and determined.

"This is perfect timing, actually," he said as he held my arms down, and leaned over me. "Let me mate you, George."

"What? I haven't even said if I liked you back, you're crazy!" I tried to free my arms, but he stuck both of my wrists into one hand and use the other to tilt my chin up towards him.

"It's painfully obvious," he whispered right into my ear, and I stopped breathing. The smell of my heat was definitely making him act up more, by now.

"Dream, let me get my medicine, and we'll talk about this, okay?" I tried to convince him, but he didn't budge.

"Think about it, George. You're a male Omega. What are the chances of you finding a gay Alpha, who treats you right? How would you even get to know him? He'd probably rape you at first glance, if we're being honest."

"I know, but Dream... you're not yourself right now, just calm down first," I pleaded. I was genuinely scared that he'd get out of control soon.

He bit my neck, just below my ear. I gasped, and whimpered as he gripped me tighter. His free hand slid under my shirt. Oh god.

"You already like me. We're practically a perfect pair, plus we've been friends for so long. There's no reason for me not to just take you, right here." His hand moved to my thigh.

"Dream, stop. Please," I shakily said, as his hand slid down my leg, stopping right at my hip.

"DREAM!" I shouted, in one last attempt to snap him back to his senses. He stopped, and was still for a moment. Then he moved off me.

"Oh god, I'm sorry George..." he seemed to be struggling to comprehend what had just happened, so I took the chance and scrambled off the bed, to go find my suppressants.

I tried not to imagine what could have happened just now. I found that part of me was thinking about the truth behind his words, though, as I swallowed a pill.

I probably would never meet another Alpha, who also liked guys and I got along with. I'd had a crush on Dream for as long as I could remember, and now he liked me back, or so he said. There was always a chance that he was only horny, and acted out of that, but I think he was telling the truth.

Logically, I didn't need to stop him just now. But part of me was also terrified at the thought of being his, forever. What if he got sick of me? I didn't want to ruin anything between us, and what if he left me? Some Omegas chose never to mate, because once you did, there's no going back.

I let the medicine work it's magic, and once I felt better, I headed back to the bedroom to confront Dream.

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