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"Georgeee, get up," Dream complained, poking my face.


"I have a plan for us today, c'mon," he urged.

I didn't move. After a moment, I felt the blanket get ripped off of me, and I was hit by cold air.

"Ahhh, stop!" I yelled, and grabbed the blanket back.

"Your breakfast is getting cold," he warned. "I made bacon and eggs."

"Bacon?" I perked up.

"Yes, and it's still hot. Get. Up."

I reluctantly sat up and groaned. Why was my back sore? I felt like a grandpa.

I went to the kitchen, where Dream was plating some bacon and two eggs. I thanked him and took a sip of my orange juice as I sat down.

"So, what's the plan?" I asked, mouth full of egg.

"Have you been to a zoo recently?" He asked.

"I don't think so, not since I was a little kid."

He grinned. "Well, prepare to be amazed. We're going to the Central Florida Zoo today."

"Ooh, sounds fun. How far is it?"

"Only about a twenty minute drive. But finding a parking spot will get worse the longer we wait, so let's go right after breakfast," Dream replied, getting up. I finished my food and went to get dressed too.

"Are you ready?" Dream asked, poking his head into my room. I was halfway through taking my shirt off.

"Ah! Dream, knock first," I yelled, pulling it back on, and blushing.

He wheezed. "George, we've gone swimming twice. I've seen you shirtless," he said, while shaking his head.

"Yeah but, still. I could've been completely naked, you.... doofus."

He started wheezing more. "Doofus? Is that a British thing?"

I was red as a tomato now. "No, go away. I'm still changing."

He left, cackling to himself. I finished up and went out to meet him.

"Ready now?" He raised an eyebrow, smiling.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. Let's go."


The zoo wasn't busy, but probably because it was a weekday. We found a parking spot pretty quickly, and Dream opened the trunk of his car and handed me a pair of binoculars, as well as a safari hat.

"Here, now you look like a real tourist," he laughed.

I giggled and put the binoculars up to my eyes, and pointed them at Dream. It was just a slightly zoomed in version of him.

"Dream, these suck."

"I mean, I got them at a birthday party when I was, like, 13."

I shook my head, laughing. I put it around my neck for the tourists effect, and put the hat on, too. If anything, it would keep me from getting sunburnt.

Dream laughed at how ridiculous they were. "You look like a little kid who's just discovered that the jungle exists."

We went to the front gate and paid for our tickets (which, of course, meant Dream was paying for us both, even after I protested) and got a map.

"Why do they make it so goddamn complicated," Dream groaned, as we looked over all the different roads and sections.

"They could just make it a massive loop," I complained. "You'd be able to see everything, without needing to plan for half an hour first."

We planned out our route, including a stop for lunch. It took us a while, but we found a way to see all the most interesting animals without walking in circles.

Our first stop was a bunch of animals from Australia, and I immediately dragged Dream over to the koalas.

"DREAM! Holy crap, look at them! They're actual koalas!" I exclaimed.

"Well, it wouldn't really be a zoo if the animals were fake, George," he chuckled.

"Oh, shut up. That one's eating a leaf, look!"

We got to see one of the workers feed the kangaroos in the next enclosure, and there was a little petting zoo that we went to after.

Once we did a full loop of that section, we went over to the African one. There were tons of animals; meerkats, rhinos, giraffes, and even an elephant. At the exit, there was a small gift shop, which we went into.

"Ahhh, sweet air conditioning," I sighed, basking in the feeling of cold air. They had little plushies of all the animals, and lots of kids books and puzzles.

Dream led me over to a small rack of jewelry, and grabbed a two-part necklace. One half was a giraffe, and the other was a tree. When you put them together, the giraffe looked like it was munching on the leaves.

He handed me the part with the giraffe. "Here, to symbolize how hungry you'll be without me and my amazing cooking, if you decide to leave me."

I laughed. "Eating slightly less tasty food isn't the same as starving, Dream."

"I disagree, your cooking sucks." He took the other half and headed to the counter.

"Wait, are you actually buying it?" I asked. I guess the answer was yes, because the cashier was scanning it already.

"You better wear this all the time now," he warned. "At least, whenever you're not with me. If you decide to stay, though...." he trailed off, looking at me expectantly.

I laughed, avoiding the underlying question. I hadn't made up my mind yet.

Afterwards, we found a reptile cage with tons of different lizards and snakes. I was hiding behind Dream almost the whole time, keeping my distance.

"George, it's in a cage, and it's not even venomous."

"How are you an calm? It's a SNAKE," I managed, while staring at the massive snake making its way over to us. The glass did not seem thick enough.

"Ooh, look, there's a place where you can hold one! C'mon, George," Dream said excitedly.

I almost fainted when the worker put the snake around Dream's shoulders. He smiled and I took a picture, but I didn't go anywhere near him. Afterwards, he was laughing at me all the way to our next destination.

"You should've seen your eyes, George. You looked like it was going to eat your whole head," he wheezed.

"Stop it, it's not my fault I don't do well with reptiles," I said defensively. "Anyways, where are we going?"

"To get food," he replied. "I'm hungry."

"Okay, good. Me too."

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