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"Heheheh, YOU LOOK HANDSOME TODAY, GEORGE," Dream said, obnoxiously loud.

"Stop! Oh my god," I had my face in my hands, and I could feel the people around us looking.

"I'm feeling a little lonely. Can you give me a kiss?" He raised his voice even more.

"Dream! People are staring," I mumbled, horrified.

Here's some context. We were in the middle of eating, when Dream had pointed out a couple at a table who were making out, rather aggressively.

"Why don't you kiss me like that?" He had complained, pouting. I then told him I hated PDA and even if we were dating, I never would.

He'd proceeded to make a scene and embarrass me by being overly affectionate and loud, attracting the attention of the entire food court.

He picked up a fry. "George, I would sacri-fries my life for you."

I burst out laughing, still red. "I hate you."

"No, you don't. Hey, George," he called out, picking up his coke. "You look sodalicious today."

"Dream, when we get home, I swear..." I muttered.

He raised his eyebrow and the corner of his mouth lifted. "You swear?"

I blushed, again. "It was rhetorical. Let me eat in peace."

"No." His voice dropped a little. "Tell me what you want to do, when we get home."

Now I was nervous for a whole different reason. The napkins on the table were suddenly very interesting to look at.

When I didn't reply, he spoke up again. "I already know my answer. Care to listen?"

I widened my eyes, looking up at him. "Dream! We're in public," I hissed.

"I don't care, everyone already thinks we're weird," he smiled slyly. "I'm gonna ta-"

"OKAY, let's toss our trash," I cut him off and stood up, grabbing our stuff and walking to throw it out.

I have no idea how Dream was so bold about things like that. How was he not embarrassed?

When I got back to our table, he was shaking his head and smiling. "You're so cute, George. Shall we go see the pandas now?"

I ignored his first comment. "Sure, let's go." We headed off.


The pandas were adorable, to say the least. I'd never actually seen one in person before.

We stumbled upon a cage with a crowd around the glass, and we went to see what was happening. One of the pandas was trying to hump it's friend, and we ended up laughing at it for a good amount of time.

"It's you, Dream. You're always overly horny," I giggled.

"Wow, George, that was a low blow," he scoffed, offended. "You're literally the embodiment of a panda; sleeping, eating and looking adorable all day."

"Was that meant to be an insult?" I laughed. I'm not sure how I was supposed to respond to his endless flirting, and humour is the best coping mechanism I knew.

"Yes, it was. It means you get pretty privilege, because you could sleep all day and people would pay to look at you."

"Okay, that's not true."

"Partially," he argued.

"Not true."

We kept walking, and passed by a red panda (which is extremely cute, go search it up) but it was sleeping, unfortunately. After wandering for a while, we saw a small building with a sign that had "THEATRE" in big red letters.

"It's open," Dream pointed out. "Should we go in?"

"Won't it just be some kind of educational kids' film?"

"Well, we don't know until we try it." He grabbed my arm, and lead me inside.

We were greeted by an employee. "Welcome! The next film is in two minutes, if you'd like to take a seat."

We went to the back of the little theatre room. It was empty, except for a couple sitting in the front row, talking quietly.

The lights dimmed, and the film started. I was right; it was just an educational video about birds in Asia.

The couple below us started kissing. That's awkward, I thought. Maybe we should just leave.

"Dream?" I whispered. "Should we go?"

"Hm? Why?"

"Well, first of all, that couple. Second, this is boring."

He looked like he was thinking for a moment. Then he grinned. "We could make it more interesting, if you want."

I raised an eyebrow. "How?"

I was not expecting it when Dream reached over and kissed me, grabbing my chin.

I made a small noise in surprise, as quietly as I could without the other people hearing. I felt butterflies rush up into my stomach.

He let go of me after a couple of seconds, and I gasped for air.

"Dream!" I whispered. "What are yo-"

His lips were on mine again, but this time, his tongue was making it's way into my mouth, caressing mine. Oh god, I'd never made out with someone before.

I've found out that Dream is a really good kisser. I felt lightheaded, and my head was swimming. His hand was rubbing the back of my neck, in little circles, and I definitely forgot we were in a theatre for a moment.

He pulled away, and his eyes took in my face. I probably looked ridiculous, all red. I was trying to catch my breath still, and he looked satisfied.

"Let's finish the movie. I don't want other guys seeing you all bothered," he whispered, and I couldn't argue. I was still dizzy.

It ended, and by then, I'd regained my composure. We filed out of the building, thanking the employee, and I sighed at the fresh air once we were out.

"That was fun," Dream commented, and I could hear his stupid smirk.

"What's our last stop?" I ignored him, looking at the map.

"I think we've seen everything, unless you want to go look at the insects."

I fake gagged. "Ew, no. I'm pretty tired, I guess we can head back."

"Okay, sure. We can finish what we started in the theatre," he suggested.

I didn't grace him with a reply, and hoped he was joking. Although, part of me kinda hoped he wasn't...

Wait, what? No. Stop it.

We walked back to the entrance, seeing a couple new animals on the way, and found our car in the parking lot.

I fiddled on the giraffe necklace around my neck and looked out the window, thinking, as we drove home.

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