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Currently, I was curled up in blankets on Dream's bed, getting hotter and more uncomfortable by the second. Heats were a torture straight from hell; you were burning hot, horny as hell, and unable to focus or think clearly.

I found that wrapping myself in Dream's scent definitely helped subside the symptoms a little, but at the same time, it made me wish he were here. I'd given him my phone with my prescription for heat suppressants on it, and he'd gone to the nearest pharmacy to pick them up. I was definitely grateful for how caring Dream was; if it had been someone else I was visiting, who knows what could have happened.

I was a little worried, though, because my heat was getting worse by the second. By the time Dream got back, it would be much worse than when he'd left, and he might not be expecting it. I was totally helpless and weak right now, and I wouldn't be able to stop him if he lost control.

I jumped a little as I heard the front door start to unlock. I buried myself farther into the blankets, trying to cover up my scent as much as possible. I heard the shuffling of a plastic bag, which hopefully meant he got the medicine successfully. I heard the footsteps come closer to the room I was in, and the door opened.

Dream came in with his nose buried in the neck of his jacket, and held out the small plastic bag to me. I stared at him, a little annoyed. I couldn't move.

He probably realized I was much worse off now, than when he had left, and came closer to put the bag beside me. I reached out to grab it, and I realized my mistake in opening the blankets up, but it was too late.

Dream dropped the bag, and almost like he was posssesed, pushed me down onto the bed. I panicked and tried to push him off, but I knew it was useless. His hand started to travel under my shirt.

"Dream," I whined, and he froze, coming back to his senses. He jerked away from me, as if he got burnt.

"Fuck," he muttered, shoving the bag into my hands. Then he rushed out of the room.

I fumbled open the bag, relieved to see the right bottle. I dry swallowed a pill, and closed my eyes, willing it to work faster. Slowly, I drifted off to sleep.


I opened my eyes. The white ceiling came into focus, and I stretched, feeling a million times better now that my heat was gone. Only two more days, and I'd be good for the month. I got up out of the bed, and decided I definitely needed to have a talk with Dream about this, and also apologize for my idiocy.

I found him in the kitchen, on his phone. He looked up, and half smiled.

"Good morning. Are you feeling okay?" Even with my heat gone, my heart skipped a beat. I wasn't used to seeing his face, still. He was really attractive.

"Yeah, I'm a lot better now." It was an awkward silence for a couple of seconds, which I had been dreading.

"I'm sorry," he blurted out, suddenly. "I shouldn't have even gotten near you, let alone touch you like that. I couldn't control myself, I'm an idiot."

My eyes widened a bit, in disbelief. "Why are you apologizing? I'm the idiot! I didn't even think to bring heat suppressants in the middle of my heat, and I didn't take into account that you might be an Alpha before coming!"

"That is true, you're a dumbass. Oh yeah, I didn't know male Omegas existed. You must be pretty rare, huh?"

I preferred to use the term "unlucky," actually.

"Yeah, I'm the only one I know of. It's definitely weird, and I need special prescriptions of suppressants that are strong enough."

"Whoa, really? Hey, how would you mate? Alpha females are pretty rare, too."

I blushed. Uh oh, coming out time. I didn't expect to have to do this so early, but he deserved to know.

"I'm, uh, gay. Actually."

I studied his face, discreetly, for a reaction as I poured myself a bowl of cereal. He looked surprised, but not disappointed or weirded out.

"Oh, cool. Me too. Well, bi."

I looked at him, also surprised. "Oh. Cool."

I realized how awkward our situation was. We were both attracted to boys, both naturally attracted to each other for being Alpha and Omega, on top of the fact that we flirted regularly and that I also had a crush on him. Great.

Dream frowned suddenly. "You still smell like an Omega."

"Oh, yeah," I rambled nervously. God, why am I like this. "The heat suppressants don't cover my scent completely."

"How come Omegas usually smell like nothing to me? Like, in public?" He looked confused. It was kind of cute.

"They use scent suppressants. Why don't you know this?" I thought it was pretty common knowledge, especially if you were an Alpha.

"Just never took the time to figure it out, I guess," he said while shrugging.


"Why aren't you using scent medicine, then?" He asked.

"Uh, I usually don't, unless I go out. But I usually stay inside playing Minecraft all day," I explained.

He frowned again. "Do you want me to go get you some?"

"Right now?" We didn't have any plans for the week yet, but I guess if we were to go out, it would be a good idea. Usually, an Omega in the company of an Alpha was off limits, and most people would respect that, but you never know what could happen.

"Yeah, aren't you scared?"

I blinked, confused.

"Of what?" We weren't going anywhere today.

"Of me. I don't trust myself, what if I do something again?" He looked genuinely worried. What did I do to deserve him?

"If you don't want to, you definitely won't," I pointed out. "Only heat will make you act out of control, and I have suppressants."

"Okay," he replied, but he didn't look fully convinced. "We should still get some soon, so we can go out, to like the beach and stuff."

"Okay, how about now? I can come with you this time, because this one doesn't need a prescription."

"Isn't it dangerous for you to be out, with your scent?"

"Not if I stay close to you. Then it's usually fine," I replied. "Just as long as we're careful."

"Okay, stay close the whole time. Actually, it'll be even better if you hold my arm or something."

I laughed a bit at how protective he was, and we weren't even mates. "Okay, sure. I'll go get dressed."

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