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By the time we were home, it was 6pm in the evening. I wasn't as tired as I thought I would be, but my feet definitely hurt from walking around all day.

"Should we do some actual work? Like record a video or something," I asked Dream as I took my shoes off.

"Did you forget? It's movie night," he replied from the kitchen. "I'm popping some popcorn right now."

"Oh yeah, snacks and Disney movies." I went to grab the candy we'd prepared from the pantry.

Once the popcorn was ready, we set up our drinks and snacks on the coffee table. Dream brought out the big blanket from his bed, and threw it down onto the couch.

"There, we're all set."

"Should I get my blanket from the guest room, too?" I asked.

"Mine's big enough for both of us," he replied. "Plus, we're cuddling. Duh."

Oh. Of course we were, it was Dream. I snuggled under the blanket, and Dream turned off the lights and joined me. He reached his arm over my shoulder, and pulled me right up against him.

I tried my luck and scooted away, but he pulled me right back. Whatever, I was just gonna be flustered and distracted this whole movie.

"We're watching ratatouille first, it's a classic," he said, and put the remote down as it started to play.

We were about forty minutes in, when I remembered that Dream was an Alpha. Well, I knew that already, but I should probably take a heat suppressant, if I was gonna be cuddled up next to him for the next few hours.

I moved to get up, but he didn't move his arm. I poked him.

"Dream, I need a suppressant."

"I don't smell anything," he replied, staring at the TV screen.

"You will if I don't take one," I retorted, and tried to move his arm myself. It didn't budge.

"What's wrong with that?" He glanced over at me. "We can always pick up with the movie another day, I don't mind."

I looked at him suspiciously. "Are you suggesting we...?"

He looked amused. "You can say the word, George. Sex. And yes, that's what I'm suggesting."

I felt a little warmth crawl up my neck, unsure if it was my blush or the heat starting to surface. "I'm gonna go take a pill."

He didn't let me move. "George, come on. I know that you know we both want this."

I internally groaned. He was right, I did, especially after what he did in the theatre earlier today. The heat started intensifying. I fiddled with the hem of my shirt.

He sensed that I wasn't arguing with him, and stopped the movie.

"Have I finally convinced you?" He questioned, and when I didn't reply, he pushed me down onto the couch. I gasped. He threw the blanket off, and leaned down to my ear.

"I'm gonna need you to tell me what you want, George. I can't read your mind." His voice was low and raspy now; I've only heard it like this a couple of times.

I already knew my answer. I'd known it for a while now, and right now, his scent combined with my heat had my body screaming for him to just take me.

"I want you so bad right now," he breathed into my neck. "I've wanted this for so long, and you're so close to being mine."

That's all it took to convince my fogged up mind. The reasonable voice in my head was completely blocked out.

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