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It was the morning I would be leaving for Florida. I was all packed, except for my PC because apparently Dream had an extra. I think I was shaking a little bit as I checked to make sure I had everything I needed, forgetting about the bottle of heat suppressants sitting on my counter.

I couldn't stop thinking about Dream, and I was starting to think this was developing into more than just a little crush.

I wondered a lot, whether Dream was as flirty to his real life friends as he was to me, online. Come to think of it, he didn't really joke around much with Sapnap or Bad, at least in the way he did with me. I eventually decided that it was only because Dream and I were closer, and he was probably also doing it for the fans.

Before I knew it, the Uber I'd called had arrived, and I was all set, on my way to the airport.


I opened my eyes slowly and squinted at the bright lights of the plane, as the speakers started instructing people to tuck their trays away and put on their seatbelts. We were landing, already? I guess I slept through most of the flight.

The plane shook a bit as we landed onto the ground and slowed to a stop. I grabbed my carry on bag and followed everyone off the plane, and then headed to grab my checked luggage. I found my bag pretty quickly and headed off to meet an Uber to get to Dream's house.

Dream had said that he really wanted to pick me up at the airport, but he had a doctor's appointment that ended right when I landed. I'd offered to just Uber to his place, which wasn't ideal, but it saved him some time. Plus, he'd be home by the time I arrived, so it all works out.

I almost fell asleep again on the Uber, but luckily we got to Dream's house before I had a chance. I grabbed my bags, and I was standing outside of Dream's front door. At least I hope it was, it would be really awkward if this was the wrong address.

I rang the doorbell and held my breath. This was it.

The door opened and I look up to see a guy with dirty blonde hair and pretty, sunkissed-looking freckles. He was tall, really tall. I thought for a moment that it might not be Dream, but then he broke into a huge smile.

"George! You're here!" He immediately hugged me, and I almost dropped my bag. I laughed and hugged back.

"Dream! Oh my god, you're tall. There's no way that's 6'3." I looked at his face again, trying to match it with the voice that I knew so well.

"I think you're just tiny, George. I thought you said you were average..."

"I am average," I groaned. Not even five minutes in, and he's already making fun of me.

He took my bag and motioned for me to come in, so I took off my shoes and looked around. I was about to point out a painting on the wall, until I noticed the scent in the air. Something about it felt wrong.

I looked over at Dream, and he wasn't talking. Instead, he was staring at me, eyebrows furrowed, like he was also confused. I breathed in again, and then it hit me. The smell of danger; the smell of an Alpha.

My eyes widened, and I took a small step back, away from Dream. I felt my heart start to pound. I think that's when he realized, too, because he dropped my bag that he was holding.

Shit. My first instinct was to run, but he was in the doorway and I was already inside the house. But he wasn't some random Alpha in the street; he was Dream. What would he do? There was no way he would actually rape me, right? Or would his instincts take over?

I decided I didn't want to take the risk and started moving away, hoping I'd bump into a bathroom or something that I could lock. I got lucky and felt a door behind me, so I went in and slammed it shut. My breath was heavy, and I wasn't sure what Dream was feeling right now.

I cursed to myself as I realized I was in the middle of my heat, and my suppressants might be wearing off right now. Did I pack them? No, I was too caught up in the excitement of coming here. I'm an idiot.

An Omega in their heat, to an Alpha, was like dangling steak in front of a lion. Usually, even calm, rational Alphas lost control when they smelled an Omega's heat.

A few moments passed by in silence, and I decided to take a chance.

"...Dream?" I waited for a response.

"Yeah." He sounded strained, and I didn't blame him. I was such an idiot. Dream was tall and played football in highschool, he was practically guaranteed to be an Alpha.

"Are you okay?"

"I think so. Give me a moment."

I was glad to hear he was still thinking rationally. I felt myself feel a little sick as I realized that if an Alpha had been sitting close to me on the plane, I could've been in a lot of trouble. Because I rarely go outside, I was used to not taking scent suppressants all the time, and I hadn't even thought about it before getting on the plane.

I waited a couple seconds, and then Dream responded again.

"Are you okay to come out, now?"

I was a little surprised. Maybe he had more self control than I'd credited him with, but I was still a little cautious.

I unlocked the door and slowly opened it, peeking out. He was sitting on the floor against the wall, with his hand on his face, breathing deeply. I know it wasn't the right time to think about this, but he looked really hot.

"This is gonna be a problem, isn't it." He mumbled.


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