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Dream was like a living, breathing heater. The closer I cuddled up to him, the warmer it got. Eventually, we were lying down and I was snuggled into his side.

"What are we waiting for?" I asked again. He'd blindfolded me for some reason, because apparently it was a surprise.

"Just a few more minutes, I promise." I wasn't used to romantic Dream. He was too nice, and I felt spoiled. I ate a gummy.

"Okay, this is good," he eventually decided, and started to untie my blindfold. "Keep your eyes closed, though, even after I take this off."

I did as he said, and felt his hands over my eyes. He tilted my head towards the sky.

"Open your eyes in three, two, one..."

I opened them. I couldn't see anything interesting at first, but then Dream turned off my phone beside us, as well as the flashlight we'd brought, and I gasped.

The sky lit up with a million stars, clear as day. I understood now why he wanted to drive all the way out to this remote area with no buildings.

They looked like a million diamonds, floating on an endless pool of darkness. I felt Dream's hand rubbing my shoulder, and leaned against him more as I took in the sight before me. I'd never seen so many stars, so clearly before.

It was silent for a moment as we stared at the sky, and then Dream started pointing out constellations.

"You see those three that are super close together?"

"Yeah." I looked at three small stars, in a straight line.

"That's Orion's Belt. It's always the first one I notice when I look up."

"Where's the Big Dipper?" I asked. He pointed it out, and we spent a little while looking for constellations. Dream even had some stories to tell about them.

"It's so crazy how these are the same stars that people saw, a hundred years ago," Dream pondered. "Our life is so different, but we're having the exact same experience as humans did back then. Looking at the stars, making up stories, telling them to other people."

I suddenly felt grateful that I was born in the same era as Dream. The chances that I might not have met him at all were pretty high. I couldn't imagine a life without playing Minecraft with him, joking about dumb things, even going to him for occasional advice.

I realized that I'd just explained exactly why I should agree to mate with him. I couldn't imagine life without him, and hopefully, he felt the same way. I was too scared to say those words and make them a reality, though.

I decided that I could at least tell him how I felt, even if he already knew. I drew in a breath.



"I love you, too." I could practically sense him grinning like an idiot beside me.

He pulled me closer. "I know, George. I know."


We packed up and went back to the car. I almost fell asleep on the way back, staring at the passing trees. We got into the city and I heard Dream yawn. I hope he doesn't fall asleep and crash.

When we arrived at the house, Dream carried my tired self inside. He threw me on my bed, complaining about how heavy I was, then lied down beside me. I felt myself drifting off to sleep.


The sky was a dull grey outside the window of my room. It might rain, I thought.

I heard a discord notification on my phone, and checked to see Sapnap messaging me to record a new video we'd planned. Minecraft, but.... I couldn't actually remember.

I joined the VC. "Hello?"

"What took you so long, George? We've been waiting in this call forever." Sapnap complained.

"Yeah, were you asleep or something?" Bad asked.

"Sorry guys, I just forgot." We started recording, and I kept fidgeting around. Something felt wrong.

I realized we were missing Dream. "Guys, where's Dream?" I asked. How did I not notice sooner?

They were silent.

"Who?" Sapnap replied eventually, still mining iron.

I frowned. "Dream."

It was quiet for a couple moments.

"Are you just trying to meme us so we mine slower? Not happening, you muffin," Bad joked.

I was seriously confused now. "What? No, Dream's not here. He's supposed to be here."

"George, what are you talking about," Sapnap scoffed. "Is 'Dream' a person?"

What? Were they trolling me?

"How do you not know who Dream is? Are you guys serious right now?"

Bad took over. "George, neither of us know who you're talking about. Is it someone new you met?"

"Wait one minute," I said firmly. I went to my YouTube channel to find a video with Dream, to show them. I clicked on "Minecraft, but my friend is a dog," and my jaw dropped when I heard Sapnap talking where Dream's voice was meant to be.

I clicked on a couple more, but it was always either Sapnap or Bad's voice, instead of Dream's.

I checked discord. I didn't have him added anywhere, and I couldn't find his contact on my phone.

All the sounds around me started to muffle and my ears started ringing. What was happening?

Why isn't Dream here?

I jolted awake. I was breathing heavily, and my heart was pounding. I whirled around, and sighed in relief to see Dream peacefully sleeping beside me. It was just a nightmare.

I looked at the clock, and it was 6 in the morning. I was still a little shaken up, so I decided to go get a glass of water from the kitchen. I quietly turned the tap on.

After a few gulps, I felt less disoriented. That was a really strange dream. I wonder if it had anything to do with the conflicting feelings I'd been feeling lately, about being Dream's mate. It did kind of shock me into realizing how empty I would feel without him. The thought alone was terrifying.

I finished off my water and headed back to the bedroom. I debated giving Dream some space and going to the other room, but decided against it. I wanted to be close to him right now.

I got back into bed, and tried to stop thinking about it. I buried my head into the pillow, and drifted off to sleep again.

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