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"This is really good," I admitted, mouth full of strawberries, whipped cream and waffles.

"Another perk of living with me, is the food," he said while stabbing a waffle. "I've noticed that you can't cook, like, at all."

"Hey, I can do eggs. That's all you need in life." I retorted, and took another bite. He was right, though. His cooking was a million times better than mine, and I was going to miss it when I left.

"So, what do you want to do today? At least, until tonight."

"What's the plan for tonight?" I asked, curious.

"It's a secret. But we have until 6pm to do whatever we want, and we should make the most of it."

"We don't want to be tired for the evening, though," I added. "What's something that doesn't take too much, like, walking and moving?"

Dream laughed. "You're so lazy, George. It sounds like you just want to binge movies at home."

"That sounds good."

"We'll do that tomorrow night, how about that," he suggested. "I've heard from Sapnap that you're missing out on some good Disney movies."

"Okay," I agreed. "How about we go grocery shopping? Our fridge is looking pretty empty, and we can also get snacks for the movies."

"Okay, sure, but let's walk to the store."

"Whaaat? Why," I whined. "You have a car."

"We've driven everywhere these past few days," he argued. "You haven't had a chance to see the city as much, and we can look at shops along the way."

"Fine," I mumbled. "I'll get dressed after breakfast."


These past few days, I've worn the same pajama bottoms every chance I got, while we were home. They were just so comfortable, and I hated putting on actual pants.

When we were ready, we headed outside and Dream locked the door. Luckily, it was a nice day, but not boiling hot like yesterday. We started our way to the grocery store a couple blocks away, and I understood what Dream meant by "seeing the city."

We passed by a lot of shops and I spent a lot of time looking at the glass displays. Dream was dragging me away, complaining about how it would be closed by the time we got there. I don't think any grocery stores closed at 2pm, but I reluctantly followed him.

Eventually, we arrived. Dream grabbed a basket and went over to the fruits and vegetables, and I groaned and followed. There was a whole aisle of snacks and sweets on the other side of the store, just waiting for us.

"Do you like pie? We could make an apple pie," he suggested, looking at some apples. "I have a lot of cinnamon, waiting to be used."

"I can't bake, so you'd have to do all the work," I warned him.

"It'll be fun, I'll teach you." He grabbed some apples.

Finally, after he was done with all the healthy stuff, we went over to get some chips and candy. We also got some microwaveable popcorn, and a huge bottle of coke.

When we were checking out, I noticed that one of the guys in line behind me was an Alpha. I didn't want to panic Dream, but I was a little uncomfortable. I might've been imagining it, but it felt like he was staring at me.

I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped a little, but it was Dream's. I guess he noticed the guy. I felt a little better now, but I could still feel his presence behind us. We finished checking out, and started grabbing our bags, when he came up to me.

"Are you a male Omega?" He asked. He seemed a little older than us, and was pretty bulky.

"Um, yeah." I looked for Dream, but he was busy putting his wallet away. Maybe it would be better to deal with this quickly, without him noticing.

"You're unmated," he smirked. "Wanna come over to my place, tonight?"

Was he blind? I was with another Alpha, whose scent was probably all over me by now.

"Uh, sorry. I have a boyfriend," I pointed at Dream.

"He doesn't seem to be satisfying you," he said. "Why not ditch him?"

Who did this creep think he was?

"No, I don't think I will. I gotta go now, bye." I hurried over to Dream, who still had no idea what had just happened. He looked over at me as I approached.

"What took you so long to get the last bag?" He questioned. Then he frowned, smelling the air. "Why do you smell like another Alpha?"

"Let's talk about it later," I said nervously, glancing back at the guy, who was staring.

He looked confused, but didn't argue. We made our way back to the apartment.

Once we were a couple of blocks away, he turned to me. "Was he being a dick because you're an Omega?"

"Yeah, pretty much," I admitted. "I'm starting to think it might be worth mating, just so I don't have to deal with shit like that."

Dream looked like he was going to say something, but sighed instead. "Our society is so messed up, man. I don't know how I can deal with you being so vulnerable to other Alphas. It feels like a crime sending you home without hiding your scent from everyone else."

I pondered over that as we arrived back home. It definitely sucked, stuff like that happening so often, but I couldn't imagine how Dream must feel. I've only been with him for a couple of days, and I've already been harassed by multiple times. I'd probably be worried, too.

We got home, and put away all the groceries. I sighed and flopped down on the couch.

I was curious about Dream's plan for tonight, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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