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"Do you have the towels?" Dream called from the other room.

"Yeah," I called back. "Should I bring one for us to sit on?"

"It's fine, I have a blanket for that."

I was actually really excited to go to the beach. Back home, I didn't live super close to the ocean, and the weather wasn't as nice. But in Florida, today was a beautiful, warm sunny day.

"You're gonna need a lot of sunscreen, George. Your pale skin will be burnt to a crisp."

Oh, yeah. Sunburns, I forgot about that. I burnt easily, and I could never tan, no matter how much I went out in the sun, and it got really annoying when I had marks or pimples. On my pale skin, you could see practically anything, clear as day. Pimples, cuts, bug bites, and most embarrassing of all, every time I blushed. Which was, admittedly, pretty often.

"Wear your swimsuit now, because the bathrooms there are super annoying to change in," Dream reminded me, and I grabbed my swim shorts and headed off to the bathroom.

When I put them on, I realized we'd both be shirtless, almost the whole time. Normally, this would be fine, but Dream was really fit. I hoped he didn't catch me staring the whole time.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I was pretty thin, especially around my arms and my waist. I never cared too much, but I wonder what Dream would think.

Don't be like that, I told myself. He won't care at all, and it doesn't matter as long as you're having a good time. Plus, I'll wear my hoodie when we're not in the water.

Once we had everything ready, we loaded our stuff into Dream's car and headed off.

"Is it usually busy on weekdays?" I asked.

"Definitely not as busy as the weekends, but there will probably be a bunch of students, since it's their summer break."

I nodded, and leaned my head against the window, watching the trees go by.

I'd taken my medicine this morning, so I wouldn't have to worry about that. I was still a little nervous being around Dream, though. It was hard getting used to how attractive he was, and him being so close was definitely not helping.

Part of me really, really really wanted to believe that he liked me back. He'd said he was bisexual, and pretty much his only chance of ever having a male Omega mate was me. Finding and getting along with an Omega was hard, especially because they're so cautious about opening up. Dream and I were a freak accident; two best friends who also happened to be perfect biological matches.

Another part of me said that he preferred girls, since he'd always only talked about having girlfriends. He didn't like me before, and he wouldn't change just because I was an Omega. Sure, we've always jokingly flirted, but that's just what friends do. Plus, it was content for the fans. Dream was really straightforward about most things, and so I told myself he would've said something by now if he actually had any feelings for me.

"What's so interesting about the window?" Dream chuckled, seeing me zone out again.

"Oh, uh, Florida is really pretty," I rambled, caught off guard. "London can be really grey and boring, sometimes."

"It got a lot prettier when you came, though."


"Like, it's cool when you think of the city through a visitor's eyes, you know?" He continued. "I didn't really appreciate how beautiful the city was, until you started pointing things out."

Oh. I was just being dumb, and read his comment the wrong way.

"I guess so. Maybe I'll look at London in a new light when I get back."

When I get back... I realized I only have a couple more days here. I didn't realize just how short a week was.

I don't really know what I'd been expecting when I flew here, but I felt a bit disappointed. Not that Dream hadn't lived up to my expectations, but I think I was secretly hoping for some closure, for my feelings. Well, I'm still here for a few more days, so I shouldn't speak too soon.

"Why are you zoning out so much?" Dream laughed, and I snapped back to reality again. "We're almost there, just relax."

"Okay okay, sorry. I guess I'm just too excited, and it's turning into nerves," I said. "How much longer?"

"Two minutes or so? We also have to find a parking spot, and that might take a while."

We drove around for a little while to find a parking spot a little ways away from the beach, and then got our stuff out of the car.

"The first thing we gotta do is lather you with sunscreen, okay? Don't forget," Dream warned. "It'll only take you a couple minutes to burn."

"Okay, Mum, I won't forget," I laughed.

"Hey, you'll regret that later. Don't blame me when you go home looking like a tomato." He teased. "Although, I guess you blush so much, it'll be pretty much the same."

For some reason, I blushed. I can't help it, okay?!

Dream started wheezing. "REALLY GEORGE??" He choked out. "That made you turn red?"

I was hiding my face in my hands now. "Stop, oh my god. Let's just go to the beach."

Dream couldn't stop giggling as we got all of our stuff and locked the car. He started laughing even more when I put my foot in the sand.

"WHAT THE HELL! Why is it so hot?" I yelled, jumping. The noises Dream was making were a little concerning, he might choke.

"It's- hot because it's s-sunny, George," he managed, between giggles.

"How are we supposed to get all the way to the water?! My feet are gonna burn off!"

"Just run, George! C'mon," he laughed as I struggled with getting my feet to make as little contact with the sand as possible. Keeping my sandals in Dream's bag was a mistake; his feet were perfectly protected and mine were dying.

Eventually, we made it to the water where the sand was wet, and much less hot. Dream started setting up our umbrella and blanket as I stood in the wet sand, sighing in relief.

"George, come help me." I looked over, and he was struggling to open the umbrella. I rolled my eyes, and went over, carefully stepping onto the towel and avoiding the sand.

We opened the umbrella, with a little difficulty, and I plopped down in the shade, sighing in relief. This was gonna be an interesting day.

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