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I was exhausted, from screaming and running from Sapnap for the past three hours. We weren't even filming a manhunt, it was just a stupid Minecraft challenge. Sapnap with an iron axe was scary.

The call ended with a few "bye's" and a "good luck" from Bad. I sighed, and leaned into my chair.

"Hey, do you want apple pie for dinner?" Dream asked, poking his head in through the door.

I was confused. "That's awfully specific."

He rolled his eyes. "We bought stuff to make it, remember? At the grocery store?"

"Ohhh, yeah. Okay, sure. I'll be in the kitchen in a minute."


"Oh Dreeaaam," I called out, an egg in my hand. I heard giggles coming from behind the counter.

I sneaked around the counter and saw Dream looking around the corner, not having noticed me. I smiled evilly and tiptoed up to him.

"GOT YOU," I shouted, and smushed the egg into his hair.

"HOLY, MOTHER OF JESUS," he yelled, jumping up and whirling around. I struggled to breathe as he started chasing me around in circles, and then I slipped on the remains of the egg dripping from his hair.

I fell back into Dream and he barely caught me, with a soft, "oomph." I squirmed around, and he cackled menacingly.

"I've got you right where I want you," he said, and started tickling me violently. I practically screamed and tried to wriggle out of his arms, but it was hopeless.

"I'M SORRY, PLEASE," I begged, laughing and jabbing my elbow into him.

"Tell me I'm the best chef in the world," he demanded, stopping for a moment. I tried to get away, and he started tickling me again.

"FINE, fine," I gasped. "You-you're the best chef in th-the world."

He finally stopped. And I breathed in relief. The apple pie was actually already in the oven, but while we were waiting impatiently, Dream had started sprinkling flour into my hair. That ended up turning into a wrestling match and food fight.

"You can clean this up," I told him. "You started it."

"If you don't help me clean, I get to do whatever I want to you, tonight," he offered as a deal.

"What? No!"

"Guess you're helping me, then," he sang happily, and handed me a broom.

I sighed but didn't complain. We cleaned up the flour and eggs, and wiped down the counter after putting all the ingredients away.

"I'm taking a shower first," I stated, rushing to the bathroom.

"We've showered together before, why don't we save some water," he suggested, wiggling his eyebrows dumbly.

"Nope, sorry," I refused locking the door before he could even think about trying.

After I showered, I took the apple pie out to cool as Dream went for his turn. It smelled heavenly, and my mouth was watering.

Once Dream was done, we cut ourselves a slice each. He even had some vanilla ice cream to go on top.

"Dang, this is good."

"All thanks to me," he pointed out. He was probably right, if we're being honest.

Once we were done, we went around the house to get my things and help me pack up. I was leaving the next morning, unfortunately.

We ended up watching a movie and then going to bed pretty early, and we didn't even eat a real dinner. We crawled into bed together. I was pretty exhausted, and fell asleep in minutes.


The next morning, we woke up nice and early to pack up the last of my things and drive to the airport. I was yawning the entire time, and luckily Dream was driving so I could rest a little.

"So when you get back, let's start applying for your green card," he told me. We were planning my move-in, for the future.

"How long do you reckon it'll take?" I asked nervously. I've heard stories of people getting rejected for years, and never being able to immigrate.

"If we're really lucky, by the end of this year maybe," he said, trying to be optimistic. "I'm sure we'll figure something out."

"Just ring up Biden," I joked. "There's a good chance he's a Dream fan, right?"

"Good idea. Maybe we could let him into one of our manhunts, or something...."

We arrived at the airport, and Dream walked me to security. I didn't want to leave, but I could just hope I'd be able to move in soon.

"Is your mom picking you up from the airport?" He asked. "What time will it be when you arrive? Did you take your medicine? Oh wait, you're mated now... don't talk to strangers, okay?"

I laughed. "I'll be fine Dream, it's okay. I'm a grown man, I won't die."

"Do you have to leave?" He pouted. "I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind if you were here when she gets back, we could all-"

"Dream. It's fine, we'll still call and play Minecraft," I assured him. "Plus, you don't need to worry about Alphas bothering me. I'll be fine."

We had one last hug, and Dream tipped my face up and kissed me. It was short and sweet, but it made me realize how much I was going to miss his constant affection and touchy habits.

"Bye," I waved, and dragged my suitcase towards the gate.

"I love you," he called over. "You better say it back."

I laughed. "I love you, too."

He blew me a kiss, and I blushed, turning around. I heard him laughing as I went though the gate.


I yawned as I scanned the crowd for my mum, and noticed her waving. I sent a quick text to Dream saying that I was safe and on my way home, then went to meet her.

"You smell like an Alpha," she frowned.

"It's a long story," I sighed.  "Let's go home."

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