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I slowly opened my eyes, squinting at the light streaming in through the window. The clock read 1:03pm. Wow, we slept in.

Dream was hugging me from behind, still asleep. I tried to nudge him off me, but he wasn't having it, wrapping his arms around me tighter.

"You're fat," I complained. "I can't breathe."

"Rude," he muttered into my hair. "We don't have plans today, let's sleep in."

"It's literally 1pm. Plus, we should record something for my channel."

"We can do that later," he mumbled.

"Do I have to remind you that I'm leaving tomorrow?" I pointed out. "Don't you want to make the most of this last day?"

He rolled off of me and stretched, yawning. "You're moving in with me anyways."

I raised an eyebrow. "When did we agree on this?"

"We didn't, but you don't get a choice. Your apartment in the UK has, like, nothing in it anyways. It'll be easy." He was fully awake now, opening his phone.

"What about my visa?"

"We'll figure that stuff out later. Do you wanna get breakfast?"

"More like lunch, but sure."

When I got out of bed, I groaned. Jeez, I was sore. I headed to the kitchen, and saw Dream mixing some kind of batter.

"Chocolate chip pancakes? Or blueberry?" He asked.

"Either is fine," I replied, sitting down at the counter.

"Wow, you're not gonna help?" Dream teased.

"I thought you said I sucked at cooking," I huffed. "Plus, I'm sore."

He chuckled. "My bad, I couldn't help myself. C'mon, you can at least make one, it'll be fun."

I reluctantly walked over to the stove, where Dream had poured some chocolate chip batter on a pan. He handed me the spatula.

"You got this," he laughed. "Just don't flip it into the stove or something.

I poked at it, waiting for it to cook so I could flip it. I wasn't expecting Dream to wrap his arms around my waist, and I almost dropped the spatula when he did.

"Jeez, warning next time," I grumbled, still poking at the pancake.

"You can probably flip it now." His chin was sat on my shoulder, watching the pan.

I prepared myself for failure as I stuck the spatula under the pancake, and lifted it slowly.

Dream wheezed a little. It sounded like a small whistle. "Just flip it."

"It's gonna fall," I panicked. "Dream, help."

He wheezed more, grabbed my hand with his hand, and flipped the pancake over effortlessly. I sighed in relief.

"You're such a baby, George," he giggled, and took the spatula from me.

"That was scary," I mumbled, and went to pour us some orange juice. I grabbed us plates, also, and Dream brought the first pancake over to me.

"Bon appetit," he said dramatically, and slid the pancake onto my plate. I drowned it in syrup and took a bite.

"Mmm, nice."

Dream cooked a couple more as I savoured the chocolate chips and syrup. He sat down with his own plate, and started eating too.

"Should we get Sapnap in our video, too?" Dream said, looking at his phone.

"Do we to tell them about us?" I asked, mouth full. "They're gonna make fun of us forever."

"We should, eventually, but it doesn't have to be today," he replied. "Although Bad will probably figure it out sooner or later."

"Let's tell them," I decided. "They'll be mad if we don't."

"Only if you want to. Oh, by the way, Sapnap knew I liked you," he admitted.

"I'm not surprised," I stabbed another pancake. "But I'm impressed he kept it a secret."

"I think you're just clueless, actually."

"Oh, shut up."

We put our plates in the sink and headed to go our rooms to open Minecraft. I called Sapnap on discord, and he picked up pretty quickly.

"Wow, finally. You guys have been MIA for like, five days!"

"Why didn't you just call, then," I retorted.

"I DID." Oh, he was right. I had a couple missed calls.

"I was preoccupied, okay," I defended. Dream joined the call.

"Preoccupied with what? Getting railed by Dream?" Sapnap scoffed.

"Yes, actually," Dream said, nonchalantly. My jaw dropped.


"What? I thought we were telling him," he chuckled.

"Not like that!"

"Wait, what?" Sapnap asked, confused. "Tell me what?"

"What the muffin is happening?" Bad's voice piped up, confused as well.

"Oh god," I mumbled. "Dream, you explain."

"George is an Omega," Dream started. Oh yeah, I forgot that they didn't know.

"Oh, what?" Sapnap sounded surprised.

"Yeah, I figured," Bad replied, unbothered. I didn't bother asking how he knew.

"And basically," Dream continued, "I'm an Alpha. I'm also bi, and George is gay."

"Knew that, too," Bad chuckled. "You guys are so obvious."

"I think I know where this is going," Sapnap said. "Did you guys fuck?"

"Sapnap! Let me finish," Dream complained. "And yes, we did. We're mates now."

I blushed, he didn't have to include that part.

"YAYYYYY! I told you, Sapnap," Bad cheered. "There was no way they had that kind of chemistry without George being a gay, male Omega."

"I didn't even know those existed," Sapnap grumbled. "I'll transfer you the money, I guess."

"Wait, you bet on us?" I asked, incredulous.

"Yeah, Bad kept on insisting that you were an Omega, but I didn't think they existed," Sapnap admitted. "Congratulations you two, I guess."

"I told you, you muffin!" Bad sighed. "I had a friend in highschool who was a male Omega."

"Well, I didn't believe you."

I was glad that they weren't overly freaking out or anything. It felt like a nice weight off my shoulders, telling our friends.

"Are you guys moving in together?" Bad asked.

"Yeah, we're gonna try. But for now, let's record this dumb video. I haven't uploaded in weeks," I complained.

"Agreed," Dream said. We opened up Minecraft, and got to work.

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