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What should I do? He could just be curious, asking me a question, or kidnap me and I'd be forced to be his mate. That didn't happen very often in public places, mostly at night or in shabby alleys, but still.

He stopped in front of me and I urged Dream to hurry up in my head. Please, just get here before something bad happens.

"Are you an Omega?" He asked me bluntly. I didn't know if I should respond truthfully or not. I'd give lying a shot, I decided.

"Uh, no? But my sister is..." I tried to say as casually as possible. "Maybe you're smelling her."

"No, it isn't. Are you lying?" He raised an eyebrow. "I've never seen a male Omega before."

"I think you're just mistaking me for my sister," I replied nervously, avoiding eye contact. "Sorry, I have to go..."

I figured I would look for Dream, instead of risking it and staying here. I was about to walk away, but he grabbed my arm. At the same moment, Dream grabbed my shoulder, from out of nowhere. I jumped.

"Hey, back off. He made it clear he was uncomfortable," Dream said. He didn't raise his voice, but I shivered a bit at the coldness. I hoped I never got on his bad side, this was scary.

The guy raised his hands, defensively. Dream was taller and more intimidating, and he could tell he was beat.

"Sorry man, I was just curious." He walked off, muttering something.

Dream waited until he was gone, then turned to me. "George! Are you okay? He could've hurt you."

I blinked. He hadn't seemed that dangerous, just a little rude.

"I'm fine, thanks for getting back in time," I laughed nervously. I could tell Dream was worried, though.

"How could he tell?" He asked.

"Um, the medicine might just be wearing off. They're supposed to last a day, but we've been pretty active today."

"Do you have any more?" His hand was now on my arm, gripping it tightly.

"Yeah, I should. I'll take one when we go back to the beach, okay?" That seemed to calm him down, and he nodded.

We waited in line and finally got our ice cream. I moaned a little at the taste of it, and Dream stumbled a bit over a chip in the concrete, a little too coincidentally.

"This is good, what the hell? What do they put in it?" I asked.

"I have no idea, but I've been eating it since I was a kid," he replied, and took a long lick up his strawberry cone. I stared a little too long, and when I realized, snapped my eyes away. What the hell was wrong with me?

We got back to the umbrella, with Dream walking a little closer than needed the whole way. It was kind of endearing, how protective he was. And we weren't even mates. I got my pill, and after swallowing it, realized that Dream was probably a little bit bothered by my scent, too.

I glanced over at him, and he didn't seem to notice. I guess he'd been too caught up with the guy, to think about it. I sighed and lay down.


We'd been here for a couple hours now, and people were packing up as the sun looked like it would set soon.

"Should we go?" I asked, snapping Dream out of his gaze at the water.

"Oh, sure. Let's pack up, but I wanna stay until the sun sets. We can sit on the hood of the car or something," he suggested. I nodded in agreement, and we started putting away everything as the sky started turning orange.

Dream was humming softly, and I felt at peace as we walked towards the car. This was definitely the life, I thought. A warm, orange sky, with a slight breeze and Dream's humming. I was really torn about leaving all this behind when I went home.

Dream grabbed an extra hoodie he'd brought, and handed it to me as we sat up onto the hood of the car to watch the sunset. I didn't question it, and put it on. My hoodie was probably somewhere in the trunk, buried under towels, and I didn't want to find it. It smelled like the beach and his room, and I snuggled my face into the neck of it as we watched the sky slowly turn dark.

Dream was awfully silent, and I think I saw him sneaking glances at me a couple times. I was too tired to care, honestly.

I didn't notice when it happened, but Dream's arm was snug around my shoulders as the sun disappeared and it started getting cold. I, unfortunately, moved out from under it, and we headed to the side doors.

"That was nice," I commented as we got in, and Dream started up the engine. I yawned and leaned my head on the window, and watched the city go by as we headed home. We both smelled like the ocean, and I groaned a bit when I realized I had to take a shower before getting into my warm, comfy bed.

We arrived home, and Dream mumbled something unintelligible as we headed inside. He seemed pretty tired, too. There was only one bathroom, and I told him to shower first while I unpacked the stuff that needed washing, and threw them into the laundry. When Dream got out, I got his dirty clothes, and threw mine in too after I undressed and wrapped a towel around my waist.

"Finish unpacking the stuff, and then start the laundry, okay?" I called to the other room.

"Aye aye, captain," he responded, half heartedly. We both needed some sleep.

I got into the shower, and sighed as the hot water hit my skin. That felt nice. I washed my hair, and all the sunscreen and sand off. When I got out, I felt like a newborn baby, as weird as that sounds.

I ruffled my hair in the mirror and giggled at how messy it looked. I went to show Dream after I put some pajamas on, and saw that he'd unpacked everything from the bags and was probably in his bedroom.

I poked my head in through the door and he was on his bed, on his phone. I decided I would scare him, and crept up beside him, opposite to the way he was lying.

"Boo," I whispered and poked him. His shoulders jumped, and he turned around.

"Hey, George," he chuckled.

"Do you like my hair?" I asked him. It was stuck straight up, and spiky.

He stared at me for a bit, and I started blushing as I waited for a response.

He finally opened his mouth. "You're cute when you blush. You know that, right?"

I didn't know how to respond. Was that a joke? I blinked, and he laughed again.

"You're also cute when you look startled like that," he half whispered. He grabbed the neck of my shirt and pulled me down close to him. My breath caught. What was happening?

He stared at me, and I was frozen. I didn't know how I was supposed to be reacting. He lifted his head up, and kissed me straight on the lips.

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