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It was around 6:30 in the evening, and I was scrolling mindlessly through Twitter when Dream poked his head in through the door.

"Hey, get ready. We're leaving in ten minutes."

I looked up. "Do I have to dress formal or anything?"

"Eh, it's fine. What you're wearing right now is good," he said, while smiling a bit.

I looked down, and blushed. It was Dream's hoodie that I had found, but I forgot to tell him before putting it on. It just looked really comfortable, and I couldn't help it.

He closed the door. I checked my phone battery: 83%.

As I changed out of my pajama bottoms into actual pants, I mentally prepared myself for tonight.

Dream had said that he was going to "treat me like a princess," which probably meant babying me and spoiling me with expensive food. I already got flustered around normal Dream, so I couldn't imagine what he'd be like, on a date.

Did this even count as a date? He was taking me out for dinner, after confessing that he liked me. I think that's usually what a date is.

I fixed my hair a bit, grabbed my phone, and went to meet him in the living room. When he saw me, he grinned.

"What, you didn't bother doing your hair and makeup for me? I'm hurt."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, where's my flowers then?"

He surprised me by pulling out a blue flower. "It was a little hard to find, but here. A blue cornflower, the only colour you can actually see."

Did he go out of his way to find a blue flower for me? When did this happen?

"Like, from Minecraft?" I took it and inspected it. It was beautiful, and looked surprisingly similar to the Minecraft version.

"Yeah, maybe it'll help you feel more at home, here. Which will maybe convince you to stay here with me and be my mate," he smiled stupidly.

"I have nothing against staying here," I said defensively. "It's just the mate part I'm not sure about."

"Well, that's what tonight is for. To convince you." He took the cornflower back and put it into a cup with some water, and then we headed out.

He held the door open for me when we got to the car, and I rolled my eyes again. I had a feeling that would be happening a lot tonight.

"For you, madam," He chuckled.

"Why thank you, monsieur. What a gentleman." I replied cheesily, and sat down in the passenger seat.

He drove us a little ways away, into the nicer parts of town. We passed a lot of nice restaurants, and I started having second thoughts about wearing the Dream hoodie.

When he pulled up to a 5 star restaurant with an expensive-looking view of the ocean, I poked him. "I thought you said we didn't need to dress fancy."

He shrugged. "They can't kick us out for it, so who cares. We're paying customers, and dress shirts are hella uncomfortable."

I guess I agreed with him, although we did get a couple strange looks from other guests. He had a reservation, apparently, and I was again baffled at how I didn't notice when he did this. How long had he been planning tonight for?

The waiter led us to a pretty outdoor table on the balcony, with a warm summer breeze and a nice view of the ocean and city. The table had a candle and a bottle of wine already set up, but with a closer look, I realized it was just a fancy looking apple soda.

"I know you don't drink," Dream laughed, noticing me staring at it. "Plus, I want us to be sober for tonight. I don't want you to forget a single moment."

We sat down and I picked up the menu, and I almost choked.

"Why are they charging $35 for a salad?" I asked, incredulous. "It's just leaves? How is that possible."

"Don't worry about the prices, get what you want. We'll just eat instant noodles and bread for the next two days," he joked.

"Dream, I can't have you pay for all of this. At least let me pay half."

"Sorry, no can do. It's not a treat if I make you pay. What do you think you'll get?" He'd already moved on, scanning the menu.

My mouth dropped open. "Look at their steak! You might as well be eating gold."

Dream raised an eyebrow. "Do you need me to pick for you? I heard they have good crab cakes."

"Well, what are you getting?" I questioned. He seemed to have already decided.

"A filet mignon. It's good here, and I can't seem to cook it right myself."

Eventually, I decided on fettuccine with some kind of fancy Italian name. The waiter left with our orders, and I sipped on the (surprisingly good) sparkling apple juice while looking at the view of the city.

I was lost in thought for a bit when I noticed Dream wasn't looking at the view. I glanced over, and he was staring at me.

"What?" I asked dumbly. He smiled.

"Nothing. You're pretty, I guess." I felt my cheeks get hot.

"Idiot," I muttered, and looked back over at the view. I heard Dream wheezing a little, quietly.

Our food came, and once I started eating, I forgot about how expensive it was. I didn't know pasta could be this good.

Dream did most of the talking, because my mouth was full of pasta, and he was taking his time cutting his steak. I was found it hard to pay attention, and caught myself staring a lot. I never really noticed how pretty he was when he talked. Most of the time, I would stare when he had a neutral expression, but I was starting to fall for the way his freckles looked while he smiled and his pretty eyelashes.

I was nervous when we first got to the restaurant, because I didn't know how I was supposed to act on a date. But once we started eating and chatting, it felt like the same comfortable atmosphere as it always was when we hung out. I guess this is what Dream meant, when he said we already had a good dynamic.

We finished our food and Dream paid, unfortunately. He wouldn't even let me tip the waiter.

Once we were out of the restaurant, he grabbed my arm and grinned, dragging me to the car.

"The night has just started, George. C'mon."

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