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When I opened the door, Dream was sitting on the bed, cross legged. He looked up at me when I came in.

"I did it again, didn't I," he groaned. "Sorry."

"Yeah, but at least you didn't, y'know..." I trailed off.

It was quiet for a moment, but then he piped up again. "Okay George, I definitely came off too strong the first time, but I haven't changed my mind. Can you consider it?" He looked determined to get an answer out of me.

"I- um, I don't know," I stuttered. I didn't even know how to feel about him admitting his feelings yet. "When did you start, uh, liking me back?"

He grinned a little. "So you admit that you like me?"

I glared at him. "Answer the question."

"Okay, okay. To be honest, I've had a teeny bit of a crush on your for probably, like, a year," he laughed. "But it definitely turned into more when I started being around you all the time, on top of your Omega scent."

I was speechless. "A year?!"

He laughed nervously. "Yeah, probably. I guess you're just really clueless, because all the fans caught on almost immediately."

My cheeks burned. "I thought you were just joking around," I admitted. "You always laughed it off like it was a meme."

"Yeah, my bad. I didn't want to ruin anything, I guess," he explained. "So, how long have you liked me?"

Uh, oh. I couldn't tell him the truth, right? He'd definitely be creeped out.

"Uh, probably a year, also."

"You're lying," he immediately pointed out. "You always lick your lips when you lie."

"What? Since when!" How would you even notice something like that?

"Since forever, but I never pointed it out. It would only work if you didn't know."

I didn't even want to think about all the times he'd caught me lying. That's so embarrassing, geez.

"So how long have you really liked me for?" He asked in a teasing tone.

The truth was probably "since the day I met you" but I decided for a different answer, and made sure I didn't lick my lips this time. "Probably three or so years, give or take."

I looked up for his reaction, and he looked amused.

"You've been fantasizing over me for three years, and still say no when I ask for you to be my mate?" He questioned. "Wow, I'm hurt, George."

I shot him another glare. "Who said anything about fantasizing? I didn't even know what you looked like!"

"Well, now you do. What, did I not meet your expectations?" He didn't look hurt at all. Rather, he looked like he already knew the answer.

"You're attractive and you know it, stop inflating your own ego," I muttered.

He laughed. "Don't worry George, you're plenty cute enough for my standards."

I still didn't know how to feel about all this. "What are we?" I asked, hesitantly.

"I thought mates would be the most obvious answer," he replied. "But you're against it, for some reason. I can tell."

I didn't know how to tell him that I wasn't confident enough. I wasn't confident that he'd still like me after spending more time with me, and I wasn't confident in myself that I wouldn't find a way to screw things up.

"How are you not hesitating at all?" I asked, incredulous. "Mates are bound for life. What if you meet someone else?"

He looked at me like I was ridiculous. "George, we've been friends for, what, five years? Probably more. If I have to be sure of anything, it's this," he said firmly. "I want you so bad, in every way. I want to wake up with you, play Minecraft with you, take you out, all day every day. Occasionally, maybe we'll fuck, and that's just a bonus."

I blushed, but didn't stop him.

"Even if it doesn't work out, either way, I'll probably end up spending the rest of my life with you," he continued. "Plus, this way other Alphas won't smell your scent, and you'll be safe. You won't have to take medicine anymore."

That was a good point. Mated Omegas still went into heat every month, but only their mate could smell it. It would be nice, not having to worry about Alphas nearby.

"I know that you know that this is a good decision, George," he stated. "I don't know what's holding you back."

"You didn't answer the second part of my question," I mumbled. "What if you find someone else? What if you're not sure about your feelings for me, and this is a mistake?"

"Do you want me to show you how sure I am?" He raised an eyebrow. "I can, and I will."

"Dream! Be serious."

"I am being serious. You're the only person I've ever met that makes me so happy, all the time. Even as just friends, I could spend the rest of my days here with you and be perfectly content."

I let that process for a second, and he continued.

"I've been thinking about this for a while, now," he admitted. "I even wondered if Betas and Alphas could make it work, before I knew you were an Omega."

At this point, the voice in my head was screaming at me to just say yes. I know Dream would never hurt me, and I know that there probably isn't a better match for me on the whole planet.

I think Dream knew that he'd convinced me, but to my relief, he pitched an idea instead of trying to get on top of me again.

"Let me take you out for dinner tonight. You leave in, what, three days? By then, if I haven't convinced you, maybe we can rethink it. But until then, I'm going to treat you like a fucking princess, every second of the day. How's that?" He waited for my response.

"Okay," I agreed hesitantly. This gave me time to figure out all the clashing thoughts in my head, and process a little.

"For starters, I'll make you breakfast," he got off the bed and headed to the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and followed him.

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