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There were a couple of other people in the store, including two Alphas that I was watching out of the corner of my eye, nervously. I wasn't so used to being so close to so many of them, including Dream.

Dream was holding my wrist as we headed over to the counter. When he noticed the Alphas, his grip tightened a bit, and my skin started going a little white. I looked up at him, but he was focused on the two.

They could definitely smell me, but they seemed to be keeping their distance. I think they hadn't noticed that I was a guy, yet, because they would be freaking out a little if they did.

A lady walked over to the counter to greet us, and I dragged Dream over.

"Hey, could I get a bottle of scent suppressants, strong." She looked at me a little curiously, and then glanced at Dream behind me.

"Sure, one second." She went over to a shelf and picked out a light blue bottle.

"Here. That's 100 tablets, 5mg each. Is that okay?"

"Yes, thank you." I paid her, and Dream took the bottle, examining it curiously.

We headed to the door. "Did you need anything?" I asked him, but he didn't respond, just dragging me out of the store. I glanced back one more time, and one of the Alphas was pointing at me and poking his friend. His mouth was moving and I couldn't read it, but it was probably pretty obvious what they were talking about. I hurriedly got into Dream's car and we headed home.


It was currently 3pm, and Dream was helping me set up the PC he'd kept in his guest bedroom.

We'd spend the day cleaning and organizing the fridge, the bathroom, rules for cooking/cleaning, and obviously getting rid of his bedsheets that smelled like my heat. Apparently he'd slept in the guest bedroom, and it still smelled like him.

"Where's that wire? With the round plug," he asked. We were sitting on the ground, wiring up the PC. The worse part of set up.

"Uhh, I don't know, maybe look in the box?" I suggested. He looked around a bit more, then spotted it on the other side of me.

"Oh, here." He leaned across me to grab it, and I was engulfed in his scent. God, even without the Alpha part, he smelled amazing. I felt myself get a little red as he reached to grab the wire, hair almost touching my face. The blond streaks were so soft-looking.

I snapped myself out of the weird thoughts as he moved away and plugged in the chord. Stop, stop it. This is your best friend, and even though he's an Alpha, he obviously doesn't intend to be your mate. He bought you scent suppressants, for heaven's sake.

But they were because he wanted to protect you, an annoying voice in my head pointed out. He's just super respectful of your boundaries.

No, that just makes him a good friend. Not anything else, not anything more. But I couldn't help remembering how he'd looked, towering over me on that bed, face so close to mine.

"What are you thinking about?" He suddenly asked me. I snapped out of my thoughts and blushed.

"Sorry, just zoned out," I laughed nervously. "Are you done with the speakers?"

"Yeah, just finished. Now all that's left is to clean up this mess, and start up the computer. Yay!"

We got to work, and soon enough, we had Minecraft up and running.

"We did it George!" He laughed, and raised his hand up for a high five. I giggled and raised my hand up, but stopped to see how big his hand was, at least compared to mine.

"Oh my god, you're like, a giant," I chuckled, sizing my hand up to his. I looked up for a reaction, but he was staring at me, not saying a word. I couldn't tell what his expression was, but I swear I could see a light pink dusting those freckles.

"Oh, haha. You're short, so it makes sense." He replied after a moment.

I huffed. "Average."

He chuckled. "It's okay George, I think it's cute."

I blushed fast and hard, and jerked my hand away.


He wheezed.

"You're so red, George," he finally managed between gasps. "I was just trying to make you feel better."

"Jerk," I muttered. "Go back to your room and set up Minecraft, I'm done being in the same room as you."

He got up and left, still laughing. I felt my blush stay for a couple of minutes after he left, while I set up a few final things.

We started playing Minecraft, and everything felt normal again. We just memed around a bit on Hypixel, trying out some bedwars trickshots and failing miserably. We were interrupted by a discord call from Bad and Sapnap.

Uh oh, I forgot about them. I hadn't come out yet, as both gay and an Omega. I glanced up as Dream walked in with his phone, and looked at me.

"Should we answer?" He asked.

"Yeah, I guess so."

He joined the call and immediately, they started talking loudly.

"DREAM! GEORGE! You haven't called us since before George's flight!" Sapnap complained. "I've been stuck with this nimrod for like, five days."

"Hey! You muffin, take that back."

We both laughed. Typical Sapnap.

"Sorry, it's been busy trying to get him settled in. He's so needy for attention," Dream complained sarcastically, and I glared at him.

"Yeah, I guess you two lovebirds would've been pretty busy these last few days, huh," Sapnap teased.

I scoffed. "You're just jealous." Dream raised an eyebrow, because I hadn't denied it. Technically, he was sort of right.

"Sapnap, ask them about the beach! I wanna go so bad," Bad whined. "It's been so boring without you two here."

I could practically hear Sapnap roll his eyes, as he mumbled, "that was your fault."

"Actually, we haven't gone yet. We'll probably go tomorrow or something," Dream replied. He glanced at me for approval, and I just shrugged.

"WHAT?? You've been in Florida for two days, and you haven't gone to the beach? What is wrong with you?" Bad exclaimed.

"We'll go tomorrow, okay?" I laughed.

Sapnap said something about babysitting his sister, and Bad mentioned a walk with Rat, so we ended the call.

"Are we actually gonna go to the beach tomorrow?" I asked Dream, as he was leaving.

"Sure, why not," he agreed, and went back to his room. We continued our bedwars game.

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