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"Sunscreen, George. C'mon." Dream tried to drag my arm up, but I liked where I was.

"It's so comfortable, though...."

"George," Dream complained. "We didn't drive all the way over here to lay in the shade."

"Fine," I grumbled, and sat up. Before I even realized what was happening, Dream had grabbed the hem of my hoodie and was dragging it off of me.

"DREAM! What are you doing?" I yelped, surprised.

"I'm gonna do your shoulders and back, and you need your hoodie off. Duh," he retorted, and pulled it off of me.

"I could've done it myself," I grumbled. He squeezed a fat dollop of sunscreen onto his hand and held it out to me.

"Put this on your legs, and don't forget your feet."

I started to put sunscreen on my legs and he got another squeeze for my shoulders. I wasn't expecting his hands on my back, and jumped a little when I felt them there.

He slowly massaged the sunscreen all over my back and shoulders, and I felt my face getting hot. Even over the strong smell of the sunscreen, his Alpha scent was overwhelming while he was this close. I told myself to focus on my legs and ignore the feeling of his hands on my skin.

"Okay, all done. You can do your face and arms yourself." He started putting some on himself, but not nearly as much. He was super tanned from living in such a sunny place.

"Can you do my back, too?" He asked, afterwards. I felt my heart race a little.

"Sure." I squeezed some out and ran my hands over his back. God, he was so toned. I never noticed how broad his shoulders were, because he always wore hoodies. This was bad, I was falling for him more.

When we were finally done with the sunscreen, he grinned at me mischievously. I raised an eyebrow.

"Last one in the water, is a rotten egg." He got up and sprinted towards the ocean.

"HEY, unfair," I shouted after him, getting up too. He had already dunked his head by the time I got there, and was swimming around.

"You could've at least, like, tried," he giggled stupidly.

I splashed him in the face with the warm water. "You were already halfway up by the time I realized what you said," I complained. "Also, isn't the sunscreen going to come off?"

"It's supposed to be waterproof. At least, that's what the packaging says," Dream waved his hand. "Whatever, just get in! Your hair isn't even wet."

I didn't get to respond, because Dream wrapped his arms around my waist and dragged me down with him. I felt the warm water rush around my head, and tried not to laugh and choke.

Once my head broke the surface again, I laughed. "Dream! I could've drowned, you idiot."

"Hehehe, don't talk too soon." He grabbed me again and pulled me back under, but this time, flush against his back. It took me a second to realize, but I was pressed up right against him. I blushed, underwater.

I didn't notice for a second that he wasn't going back up, but once I did, I started jabbing at him. He still wasn't going up, and so I kicked his leg, making sure I didn't hit his you know what because that would just be mean.

"Ow, George. That hurt," he pouted, once he pulled us back up, gasping for air.

"You deserved it," I stuck my tongue out. I hoped he didn't see the red tint on my cheeks. He looked like he was about to come at me again, so I started swimming away.

He chased me, and I forgot all about the underwater moment. We spent a while just messing around in the water, mostly with me splashing water at him to keep him away. To anyone else, two grown men acting like 12 year olds might seem dumb, but we didn't care.

Eventually, we got tired and went back to our stuff to take a break. We'd brought some sandwiches, as well as some chips and other snacks, so we spent a little while eating and talking.

It felt so normal, and so comfortable being around him now. I think after the initial scare with my suppressants, we went back to being best friends and joking about stupid things. My heat was pretty much over, and I didn't feel tired or feverish anymore.

After a while, I noticed a row of shops along sidewalk of the beach.

"Hey, let's go look over at those stores. They look cool," I said, and poked Dream.

"Okay, they sell really good ice cream at one of them," he agreed, and grabbed his wallet.

We passed a couple Alphas, and being next to Dream, I didn't have to worry at all. It was actually nice, being able to feel so carefree and safe.

We passed some cool jewelry stalls and a couple souvenir shops. When I wasn't looking, Dream bought me a dumb little keychain that had "the Florida dream" engraved on it. I giggled and put it in my pocket, thanking him.

"Here it is." Dream pointed at an ice cream shop, with a pretty long line in front. "It's super good, I promise it's worth the wait."

"Okay, I'll trust you then." We waited for a couple minutes, and then Dream poked me.

"I have to pee," he complained.

"Then go pee," I said, and rolled my eyes. "I'll wait here, just be quick." He wandered off to find a washroom.

It was only about a minute after he left, when I noticed an Alpha only a couple meters away from me, sniffing the air a bit. I tensed up. I took my medicine this morning, but all the moving and swimming might've made it burn off quicker than usual.

He started looking around a bit. A male Omega scent is a little different from a female one; it's less sweet, and also stronger. He was probably trying to figure out what it was, but I hoped he would just assume it was a girl.

Suddenly, he glanced at me. I froze. He looked confused, but then his eyes widened, and he started walking over.

Uh oh.

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