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Even though it was 9 in the evening, the sky was still pretty bright. We drove for a while, arguing about dumb things and occasionally fighting for control of the music. We started heading out into a more remote area, and I became more and more curious as to what his plan was.

Eventually, we stopped at the edge of a suspicious looking forest, with a trail leading in. Dream killed the engine, and started to get out.

"Are you going to murder me here?" I asked as I climbed out of the car.

Dream laughed. "I would've murdered you a while ago if that was my plan, George. Don't be stupid."

I didn't feel very comforted by that statement, but didn't question it. Dream grabbed a duffel bag out of the trunk of the car, and handed me a smaller backpack.

"Carry this, please and thanks." Again, I wondered when he'd found the time to prepare all this.

We headed down the forest, which wasn't very dark yet, but still scary. I stayed close to him, and he rolled his eyes.

"I've been here dozens of times, George, with my friends and family. Don't worry."

We walked for about five or so minutes, and the trail opened up a little and brightened up. I gasped as I saw a dock and a lake, with a huge open sky. The clouds were starting to turn a little pink with the sunset.

"Holy shit, this is gorgeous," I commented, in awe. "Whose place is this?"

"I don't know, but I've been coming here since I was a kid, and no one ever told us to leave. C'mon," he urged, and lead me over to a patch of grass.

He opened the duffel bag, and pulled out a picnic blanket and speaker. I helped him lay it down on the soft grass, and flopped onto it with a sigh. The warm summer breeze was amazing, and the clouds looked so fluffy.

"George, we didn't come here to sleep. Get over here," I heard Dream call. I looked up, and he was standing on the edge of the dock, in his... swimsuit?

"Where did you get the swimsuit?" I asked, confused.

"I brought yours too, it's in the duffel bag. I changed while you were staring at the sky." I dug through the bag, and sure enough, my swim shorts were there.

I looked over at Dream, who was staring right at me still. "Turn around," I yelled, and he laughed and turned around. I quickly slipped the shorts on and took off my hoodie and shirt.

I walked onto the dock, and leaned over to touch the water. It was cool, but not cold.

"I'm really tempted to push you in right now," Dream giggled. "But let's jump in together."

He grabbed my hand, and I laughed at how cheesy it was. "On three?" I asked.

"On three," he agreed. "One, two...."

We jumped off the dock into the cool, fresh lake, and just like at the beach, Dream grabbed onto me and held me underwater. I jabbed at the him for a moment and he brought us back up, laughing as he broke the water.

"One of these days you'll actually drown me," I muttered, wiping my hair out of my eyes, breathing heavily.

"I love you too much for that," he cooed. I froze up a bit, worried that he'd be mad if I didn't say it back. Before, it was just a joke, but now...

I think he sensed my hesitation and waved it off. "Don't worry George, tell me when you're ready. I already know you love me, anyways."

I laughed and splashed him, and it became a splashing war. We were just goofing around for a bit, but then I saw the sky starting to turn orange.

"Let's watch the sunset," I said, and swam over to the dock. He followed, and we got out and dried off a bit.

He took his Dream hoodie back and handed me the one he'd been wearing all night, saying something about it "being warmer." I think he just wanted the one that smelled like me, but I was happy about getting his.

He took out some gummies and, again, I wondered how he'd managed to sneak them past my attention. I didn't complain, though. They were good.

The sun slowly made its way down, and reflected onto the lake water. I snuggled into Dream's side, and he happily draped his arm over my shoulders. I never thought I'd be doing this, but I wouldn't want anything else.

"It's so pretty," I sighed. "Sunsets in London are never this good."

"I think it's just because I'm here," he teased.

"Probably," I admitted. He grabbed my chin and brought my face up to his, but I whined.

"I wanna finish seeing the sunset. We might miss it." I complained. I really did, it was nice.

He reluctantly let go and we watched the sun go down, until eventually the sky was growing darker. Dream took the chance and turned my face towards his, and softly kissed me.

The first time we'd kissed, I was tired and caught completely off guard. This time, I could feel his hand on my neck and the slightly sweet scent of his shampoo on his hair. I basked in the feeling of being so loved. He was gentle, almost cautious, but it was sweet.

He pulled away once we had to breathe. "It's taking all my self control not to completely wreck you right now," he blurted out.

"What?! Wow, Dream, way to ruin the moment," I pouted, embarrassed. The sky was starting to turn dark now, and I looked at him questionably.

"Are we heading back?"

He smiled. "Nope, we're waiting longer. The best part is yet to come."

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