Musician of the Artist

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Nina Dobrev
Katherine Pierce

Evie's POV
My name is Evie Snow and I'm a metahuman, after being lied to my entire life I found people like me. Kind of like me John Constantine, he's a flirt, a drunk and has a severe smoking habit.

Chas, he's kinda sweet, he's known John all his life and from what John says he's the only one who stuck around.

Recently we met Zed she has visions like me and she's an artist we hit it off immediately she's like the little sister I.......never had......

3rd Person POV

John and Evie were hunting down a vampire, it's not something Evie wanted to do, but John was teaching her magic and he said she needed to take it slow

They heard a hiss from beside them and they both turned to its direction

"Evie what the hell have you gotten yourself into?" The woman asked after her vampire side was gone

"Nothing Katherine just came by to say hello" Evie shrugged as John looked confused "you two know eachother?" John asked before sitting on a rock

As Evie was about to answer John fell backwards into the mud "want some help there tall dark and blonde?" Katherine asked putting out her hand so that John could get out the mud

"We will never speak of this again" John said sternly to them both, Evie dished out her phone and took a picture

"Hmm what? If you ever get married just know I'll be showing this picture" Evie said as John tried to take the phone

John picked her up with ease and held her over the mud as they both started laughing.

"John I swear to hades if you drop me right now I will kill you" Evie said still laughing, they continued to laugh in unison as John put her down next to the mud

"Aww you guys are so cute, how long have you two been together?" Katherine asked from behind John and Evie "What?" They asked in unison "Oh we aren't" Evie started "Were not" John stammered and Katherine silently laughed at how John and Evie were both almost unnoticeably blushing

Back at Star Labs Cisco was about
to Vibe where Evie could be, he touched her necklace and was pulled into a Vibe, but not the one he wanted

6 months later - Ciscos Vibe

John walked into the room with the containment cell where Katherine had been with Mick, Mick was holding the hell gun to Savitars head "I should kill you, you bastard, you made Caitlin's life miserable and now she's dead because of you" John said as he took the hell gun from Mick

"I may have corrupted a wannabe supervillain but you created the real monster my daughter Evie Snow"

"Cisco what's happening?" Caitlin asked from outside of Cisco's Vibe "Savitar" Cisco said still looking at the Vibe before him "The legends have Savitar, Caitlin's dead" Cisco started mumbling out things he was seeing "John-" Cisco said before Barry interrupted "John? Which John?" Barry asked urgently "trenchcoat, tie-" Cisco started describing

"Looks like we need to pay a visit to John Constantine" Barry said with a sigh

John took something out of his pocket and started using it to make a circle on the ground "funny you mentioned her I was just about to go see her" John said as he continued to make the circle

A hell portal more like it

Once the circle was done Katherine stepped in and lightly grabbed John's shoulder "John if your about to do what I think your gonna do, you better be sure" Katherine reminded as John shrugged her hand off and lightly pushed her from the circle

Once Savitar and John were both in hell John made his way into Evie's Bar

'The sinners', it had a slogan to, 'if your in hell your no saint so welcome to the sinners'

John put the gun up ready to shoot when she started walking closer "Oh I'm not afraid , were old freinds arnt we Johnny? So what did you come all the way down here for? " Evie said with a sarcastic smile

Evie put her chest to John's gun"I came here to tell you-" John stopped as be was thinking whether he wanted to do this or not "Do it John. Shoot me." Evie teased him with a sarcastic smile, she knew he wouldn't do it

"- To tell you I'm not giving up on you, I will save you even if it takes me to the end of my days" John finished as he lowered the gun. Evie rolled her eyes "Another meaningless promise made by the great-"
"- John Constantine" she finished with a smile as she turned and strutted
out of the bar

Cisco woke up in the star labs medbey, his vibes had never lasted that long before...

Cisco watched as everyone had a team meeting in the medbey so he wouldn't half to move when Joe suddenly said "okay this is crazy, your going to London to find some magician?" Barry nodded and was about to say something about it being okay that he didn't agree when Joe spoke before barry could

"Go find your daughter, I belive in you Barry"

Caitlin and Barry booked a flight
to London......

"About what happened in the lab-" Caitlin started but Barry interrupted "I dont regret it, I like you caitlin I always have" Barry said as they finally sat on the plane

"But your married- Iris" Caitlin stammered uncontrollably "Nora-" Caitlin started but Barry kissed her "Still worried about my marriage?" Barry asked quietly, Caitlin shook her head

She had no idea what she had gotten herself into.....

Kinda short chapter, but longer than the last one, dont question the title of this chapter I had planned to write something but ended up writing this instead

- Jasmine 

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