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3rd person POV

John and Evie were being escorted by Sara onto the Weiverider "I thought we gave Englishman to the time pigs" Mick said as John and Evie walked in and Sara looked at him confused "That was Rip! This is John Constantine and his partner-" Sara started to tell them but still had no idea who Evie was "Evie Snow, Savitars daughter" She told them with a wicked smirk

"Savitar? As in the Evil speedster?" Nate asked a little confused "Same, brit in a trenchcoat, same thing!" Mick said before John pulled Evie back before she would have punched Mick

"Doubtful Mate I am an accomplished warlock and a master of exorcism" John explained

"And I'm a tourist those of you taking notes" Evie said as she winked at Sara and Sara put her head down as she blushed

John turned his attention away from them trying not to get jealous

Evie walked away from the situation before it got any more awkward

She liked John, but John also knew she liked girls and guys, so she flirted with someone in front of him every chance she got just to see his reaction

She walked into the library and Sara followed her "Hey Evie!" She said trying to get her attention "Yeah" She asked turning around to face her

"Whatevers going on between you and John that's not gonna affect the misson is it?" Sara asked as Evie laughed sarcastically

"there is absolutely nothing going on between me and John" Evie told Sara as she sat down and started to meditate

They had finally got to the asylum as John layed on the bed and Sara walked over to some doctors "Oh there she is! I can take it from here. I mean h-her from here." She told them with a smile as they looked at her confused

"I'm sorry who are you?" She looked past Sara to Evie who still had her normal clothes on because she refused to change

"I'm Visiting......" She started trying to come up with a lie but Sara just shrugged "yeah I'm not doing this" She told them before Sara nodded and she punched the guards

Sara got behind Nora's bed and John got off of the one he was on and they started walking towards them "Nice one love" He told her with a flirtatious smile that she gladly returned until Sara interrupted

"Okay we'll make sure no one gets in our way you two find a place for her and we'll rondabu" Sara told them and they both nodded "Now where to preform an exorcism?" John asked himself

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