Dancing Queen Part 1

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"You got a problem medium rare?"

Evie's Punk outfit

Evie's Punk outfit

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"And then there were Seven" Sara said as Ray and Zari walked in "Shorter bathroom lines" Zari shrugged and Evie looked at them curiously

"Yeah but no one to watch Patrick Swayze movies with" Ray said sadly before
looking down at the floor

"Bathroom lines?" She asked and evreyone looked at her confused

"Right you and John got Steins old room and we installed a bathroom because he needed one evrey 10 minutes" Sara said outloud and Mick glared John's way

"Why does weisel and Ice Witch get a bathroom but we don't?" Mick asked as his glare suddenly directed to Sara and she shook her head at him signaling
for him to stop

"Micks right some of us have been here for over a year now and can't have our own bathroom" Katherine agreed and Sara shot a look her way as well

"Okay let's get to work" Sara told them and they directed there attention to her

"Never thought I'd get to meet the
Queen" John stated and Sara shook her head. "To risky" Sara told them as she got up from her place on the steps

"Plus she's not the one setting off your magic-omiter, the Queens new favorite band The Smell is" Sara explained as she pulled up news articles

"The Smell never heard of them and I know of evrey rubbish punk band in London" John told them and Sara was about to say something when Evie burst out laughing

Evie laughed "The Smell that's worse than-" Evie started but John looked at her and she laughed before stopping mid sentence and John heard her mumble the name of his former band under her breath

"Gideon" Sara spoke before they could get any more off task

Gideon started explaining about the band and its music and pranks "All with a magical signature" Ray muttered when Gideon was finished. "Okay so were looking for someone in the band" Zari told them with a shrug and Katherine nodded

John started pacing "We could be dealing with demonic possession, Mind control, allusion or maybe just the run of the mill Royal dementia" John says as evreyone but Mick was staring at him

"We could infiltrate the band at least one of us can get in with them and find out which one of them is magical" Katherine suggests and Evie and John nod until he looks at the band and zooms in on a photo of them

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